Квесты на первую профессию

Квесты Lineage 2

Квест на первую профессию с Goddess of Destruction
Название квеста Уровень Начало
Start of Fate Начало судьбы 18 Talking Island Village
Квесты на первую профессию до Goddess of Destruction
Название квеста Уровень Начало
Human Fighter
Path of the Warrior Путь Воителя 18 Gludin Village (Master Auron)
Path of the Human Knight Путь Рыцаря 18 Gludin Village (Sir Klaus Vasper)
Path of the Rogue Путь Разбойника 18 Gludin Village (Captain Bezique)
Human Mystic
Path of the Human Wizard Путь Мага 18 Gludin Village (Parina)
Path of the Cleric Путь Клерика 18 Gludin Village (Priest Zigaunt)
Elven Fighter
Path of the Elven Knight Путь Светлого Рыцаря 18 Town of Gludio (Master Sorius)
Path of the Elven Scout Путь Разведчика 18 Town of Gludio (Master Reisa)
Elven Mystic
Path of the Elven Wizard Путь Светлого Мага 18 Elven Village (Rosella)
Path of the Elven Oracle Путь Оракула Евы 18 Town of Gludio (Priest Manuel)
Dark Fighter
Path of the Palus Knight Путь Темного Рыцаря 18 Town of Gludio (Master Virgil)
Path of the Assassin Путь Ассасина 18 Town of Gludio (Triskel)
Dark Mystic
Path of the Dark Wizard Путь Темного Мага 18 Altar of Rites (Witch Varika)
Path of the Shillien Oracle Путь Оракула Шилен 18 Town of Gludio (Magister Sidra)
Orc Fighter
Path of the Orc Raider Путь Налетчика 18 Orc Village (Prefect Karukia)
Path of the Orc Monk Путь Монаха 18 Orc Village (Gantaki Zu Urutu)
Orc Mystic
Path of the Orc Shaman Путь Шамана 18 Orc Village (Tataru Zu Hestui)
Dwarven Fighter
Path of the Artisan Путь Ремесленника 18 Dwarven Village (Blacksmith Silvera)
Path of the Scavenger Путь Собирателя 18 Dwarven Village (Collector Pippi)
Female Soldier
Path of the Warder Путь Надзирателя 18 Gludin Village (Master Sione)
Male Soldier
Path of the Trooper Путь Солдата 18 Town of Gludio (Master Gwain)

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