
Рейд-боссы: 20—29, 30—39, 40—49, 50—59, 60—69, 70—79, 80—89, 90—99, Все

[<>]  [<>] Ур. [<>] Локация [<>] HP [<>] Exp [<>] SP
Carnage Lord Gato 5050 Outlaw Forest 738329738329 70644667064466 458094458094
Fairy Queen's Messenger Berun 5050 The Enchanted Valley 738329738329 70644667064466 458094458094
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion 5050 Devil's Isle 243648243648 11948831194883 590755590755
Cursed Clara 5050 Dragon Valley 155046155046 23897672389767 281312281312
Carnamakos 5050 Cruma Tower 334949334949 17755961775596 5068250682
Lilith's Witch Marilion 5050 Catacomb of the Branded 213145213145 35511933551193 422350422350
Verfa 5151 Plains of Glory 771664771664 73361767336176 832499832499
Deadman Ereve 5151 The Forest of Mirrors 771664771664 73361767336176 832499832499
Grave Robber Kim 5252 The Cemetery 804976804976 76078877607887 863331863331
Fafurion's Envoy Pingolpin 5252 Garden of Eva 265642265642 11566691156669 3450234502
Captain of Red Flag Shaka 5252 Outlaw Forest 804976804976 76078877607887 863332863332
Gigantic Chaos Golem 5252 Archaic Laboratory 338083338083 23133392313339 287521287521
Magus Kenishee 5353 Devil's Isle 276573276573 11840521184052 630637630637
Paniel the Unicorn 5454 The Enchanted Valley 870878870878 81513078151307 528570528570
Pagan Watcher Cerberon 5555 Catacomb of the Apostate 524760524760 39830973983097 535296535296
Bandit Leader Barda 5555 Outlaw Forest 903161903161 2224794422247944 967000967000
Harit Hero Tamash 5555 Anghel Waterfall 903161903161 2224794422247944 552571552571
Enchanted Forest Lookout Ruell 5555 The Enchanted Valley 903161903161 2224794422247944 552571552571
Black Lily 5555 Dragon Valley 189660189660 24771062477106 327038327038
Eva's Spirit Niniel 5555 Garden of Eva 298043298043 12385531238553 3924439244
Zaken's Butcher Krantz 5555 Devil's Isle 824638824638 19915481991548 11241221124122
Furious Thieles 5555 The Enchanted Valley 903161903161 2224794422247944 552571552571
Sorcerer Isirr 5555 The Forest of Mirrors 903161903161 2224794422247944 552571552571
Ghost Knight Kabed 5555 The Cemetery 903161903161 2224794422247944 966997966997
Iker 5656 Town of Giran 934811934811
Harit Guardian Garangky 5656 The Forest of Mirrors 934811934811 2310363423103634 573823573823
Refugee Applicant Leo 5656 Outlaw Forest 934811934811 2310363423103634 573823573823
Rotting Tree Repiro 5656 Sea of Spores 934811934811 16447531644753 2613926139
Timak Seer Ragoth 5757 Timak Outpost 965705965705 2395932423959324 10413851041385
Anakazel (58) 5858 296250296250 18438151843815 257493257493
Eva's Guardian Millenu 5858 Garden of Eva 995737995737 2481501524815015 616329616329
Abyss Brukunt 5959 The Forest of Mirrors 10248181024818 2567070525670705 11157691115769
Captain of the Ice Queen's Royal Guard 5959 The Ice Queen's Castle 157584157584 17490061749006 9529995299
Lost Captain (Lvl 59) 5959 374664374664 35941313594131 103278103278
Soulless Wild Boar 5959 Anghel Waterfall 338190338190 13421371342137 4577545775

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