
Рейд-боссы: 20—29, 30—39, 40—49, 50—59, 60—69, 70—79, 80—89, 90—99, Все

[<>]  [<>] Ур. [<>] Локация [<>] HP [<>] Exp [<>] SP
Lord Ishka (Raid Boss) 6060 Dragon Valley 221100221100 27350322735032 394692394692
The 3rd Underwater Guardian 6060 Garden of Eva 482633482633 20773422077342 704960704960
Orfen 6060 Sea of Spores 115920004115920004 1277640012776400 6602766027
Guardian of the Statue of Giant Karum 6060 Forsaken Plains 10528781052878 3463783434637834 2326140123261401
Zaken (1) 6060 215376215376 41546844154684 140992140992
Zaken 6060 Devil's Isle 858879858879 48797454879745 101661101661
Ice Fairy Sirra 6060 The Ice Queen's Castle 188455188455 16108471610847 8921389213
Taik High Prefect Arak 6060 Forsaken Plains 10528781052878 3463783434637834 2326140123261401
Ghost of the Well Lidia 6060 Fields of Massacre 10528781052878 3463783434637834 2326140123261401
Spirit Of Sir Talianus 6060 Execution Grounds 188455188455
Ancient Weird Drake 6060 Dragon Valley 442200442200 27350322735032 394692394692
Fairy Queen Timiniel 6161 The Enchanted Valley 10798661079866 3597005935970059 2415607024156070
Roaring Lord Kastor 6262 Outlaw Forest 11057521105752 3730228337302283 2505073925050739
Enmity Ghost Ramdal 6565 Tower of Insolence 588383588383 27805772780577 103092103092
Fierce Tiger King Angel 6565 Anghel Waterfall 11767671176767 106892354106892354 8144179381441793
Gargoyle Lord Tiphon 6565 Devastated Castle 11767671176767 106892354106892354 142523139142523139
Rahha 6565 Ancient Battleground 11767671176767 106892354106892354 8144179381441793
Brand's Chamberlain 6565 11767671176767 106892354106892354 142523136142523136
Shilen's Priest Hisilrome 6565 The Cemetery 11767671176767 106892354106892354 142523136142523136
Demon's Agent Falston 6666 Valley of Saints 11983001198300 111003598111003598 8457417084574170
Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone 6767 Blazing Swamp 12188391218839 115114842115114842 8770654787706547
Anakazel (68) 6868 363785363785 20440162044016 324825324825
Lost Captain (Lvl 69) 6969 456669456669 83157968315796 266955266955
Bloody Priest Rudelto 6969 Antharas' Lair 368046368046 45768404576840 791290791290
Spirit of Andras, the Betrayer 6969 Fields of Massacre 12571991257199 29696522969652 113982113982

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