
Рейд-боссы: 20—29, 30—39, 40—49, 50—59, 60—69, 70—79, 80—89, 90—99, Все

[<>]  [<>] Ур. [<>] Локация [<>] HP [<>] Exp [<>] SP
Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron 7070 Catacomb of the Witch 746772746772 45964794596479 802604802604
Shilen's Messenger Cabrio 7070 The Cemetery 889032889032 45964794596479 192624192624
Palibati Queen Themis 7070 The Forbidden Gateway 373386373386 45964794596479 802604802604
Roaring Skylancer 7070 Narsell Lake 12751721275172 226669890226669890 302226521302226521
Dread Avenger Kraven 7070 Sea of Spores 24442444 38180453818045 525093525093
Fafurion's Herald Lokness 7070 Alligator Island 17780641778064 45964794596479 33709343370934
Korim 7070 Tower of Insolence 889032889032 45964794596479 192624192624
Giant Marpanak (2) 7070 The Giant's Cave 24442444 55532825553282 299824299824
Anakazel (38) 7070 24442444 13703251370325 114239114239
Carnassiud 7070 Cruma Tower 12751721275172 226669890226669890 302226521302226521
Heaven's Palace Healer 7070 Tower of Insolence 889032889032 45964794596479 192624192624
Meanas Anor 7070 Blazing Swamp 12751721275172 226669890226669890 172700868172700868
Atraiban 7070 Devil's Isle 24442444 19478851947885 10840471084047
Demon Kuri 7070 Devil's Isle 24442444 13421371342137 801063801063
Flame of Splendor Barakiel 7070 Valley of Saints 12751721275172 226669890226669890 172700868172700868
Eilhalder von Hellmann 7171 Cursed Village 12924501292450 235387962235387962 313850617313850617
Vanor Chief Kandra 7272 Garden of Beasts 13091191309119 244106035244106035 185985550185985550
Water Dragon Seer Sheshark 7272 Alligator Island 18260361826036 51406465140646 34739153473915
Doom Blade Tanatos 7272 Ancient Battleground 13091191309119 244106035244106035 185985550185985550
Plague Golem 7373 Wall of Argos 13252671325267 252824108252824108 192627891192627891
Death Lord Hallate 7373 Tower of Insolence 388245388245 51684195168419 839126839126
Krokian Padisha Sobekk 7474 Alligator Island 18709701870970 51994065199406 35786453578645
Antharas Priest Cloe 7474 Antharas' Lair 392896392896 51994065199406 852059852059
Mutant Elite Soldier 7575 397437397437 52311485231148 864099864099
Death Lord Shax 7575 The Disciple's Necropolis 794875794875 52311485231148 864099864099
Kernon 7575 Tower of Insolence 397437397437 52311485231148 864099864099
Bloody Empress Decarbia 7575 The Forbidden Gateway 397437397437 52311485231148 864099864099
Benom 7575 Rune Castle 13527501352750 24999502499950 21094462109446
Last Lesser Giant Olkuth 7575 Silent Valley 13563361356336 712305220712305220 542708739542708739
Menacing Palatanos 7575 Blazing Swamp 13563361356336 712305220712305220 542708739542708739
Death Lord Ipos 7575 Blazing Swamp 13563361356336 712305220712305220 542708739542708739
Mutant Soldier 7575 794875794875 52311485231148 864099864099
Gigantic Golem 7676 Archaic Laboratory 957382957382 34291463429146 127236127236
Flamestone Giant 7676 Blazing Swamp 13714021371402 739701575739701575 563582152563582152
Sir Eric Rodemai 7676 Town of Aden 13714021371402
Ocean Flame Ashakiel 7676 Alligator Island 19137841913784 52671075267107 49214034921403
Fire of Wrath Shuriel 7878 Tower of Insolence 977639977639 53464965346496 286324286324
Lost Captain (Lvl 78) 7878 508720508720 1260659412606594 390050390050
Daimon the White-Eyed 7878 Wall of Argos 19552791955279 794494284794494284 605328978605328978
Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs 7878 Hot Springs 14009581400958 794494284794494284 605328978605328978
Last Lesser Giant Glaki 7878 Silent Valley 14009581400958 794494284794494284 605328978605328978
Anakazel (78) 7878 410724410724 25043772504377 380180380180
Longhorn Golkonda 7979 Tower of Insolence 829807829807 53900025390002 12053331205333
Antharas (4) 7979 Antharas' Nest 61000006100000 262720918262720918 2911637629116376
Antharas (5) 7979 Antharas' Nest 68000006800000 354676030354676030 3930741639307416
Cherub Galaxia 7979 Tower of Insolence 987884987884 53900025390002 289280289280
Vaiss Orc 7979 School of Dark Arts 68000006800000 354676030354676030 3930741639307416

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