2nd Ring of Testimony (Кольцо Испытания)

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg 2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Кольцо Испытания
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Кольцо Испытания

  • Кольцо Гнома, проходящего Испытание успеха. Найдите Скрижали Мафр, хранящие давно забытые секреты.

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • Ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg 2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
II Кольцо Испытания
Тип:Квестовый предмет

II Кольцо Испытания

  • Кольцо Гнома, проходящего Испытание успеха. Найдите Скрижали Мафр, хранящие давно забытые секреты.

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • Ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
II Кольцо Испытания
Тип:Квестовый предмет

II Кольцо Испытания

  • Кольцо Гнома, проходящего Испытание успеха. Найдите Скрижали Мафр, хранящие давно забытые секреты.

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

시험의 반지

  • 번영의 시험을 치르는 드워프에게 주어지는 반지. 절대기하학의 비밀이 담긴 마프르의 석판을 찾아라.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

Accessary aquastone ring i00 0.jpg2nd Ring of Testimony Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

2nd Ring of Testimony

  • A ring given to those Dwarves attempting the Testimony of Prosperity. Find Maphr's tablet, which contains the ultimate secrets of geometry.

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