Aklantoth 4th Gem (Камень Аклантота)

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpg Aklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Камень Аклантота
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Камень Аклантота

  • Драгоценный камень, полученный при убийстве Скелета Наемника. Найдите 6 Камней Аклантота и отнесите их Ориму Тени.

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a Skeleton Mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpg Aklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
IV Камень Аклантота
Тип:Квестовый предмет

IV Камень Аклантота

  • Драгоценный камень, полученный при убийстве Скелета Наемника. Найдите 6 Камней Аклантота и отнесите их Ориму Тени.

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
IV Камень Аклантота
Тип:Квестовый предмет

IV Камень Аклантота

  • Драгоценный камень, полученный при убийстве Скелета Наемника. Найдите 6 Камней Аклантота и отнесите их Ориму Тени.

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

아클란토스의 보석

  • 해골 용병을 쓰러뜨리고 얻은 보석. 아클란토스의 보석 6개를 모두 찾아서 그림자의 오림에게 가져가라.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Etc bead gold i00 0.jpgAklantoth 4th Gem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Aklantoth 4th Gem

  • The gem that can be obtained by slaying a skeletal mercenary. Find all 6 of Aklantoth gems and take them to Orim the Shadow.

Нужен для квестов

Тип Название квеста Ур Начало Награда
Можно выполнить один разВыполняется в одиночку Test of Witchcraft
Испытание колдуна
39 Orim (Орим)
Giran Territory (Земли Гирана)
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Etc sp point i00 0.jpg 141,240
Adena.jpg 372,154
Dimensional Diamond
Etc skull white i00 0.jpg Mark of Witchcraft (Знак Колдуна)

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