Alchemy Text (Книга Алхимика)
Alchemy Text Книга Алхимика | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Книга Алхимика
- Книга Алхимика Матильды. Следуя ее указаниям, найдите в Топях Крумы Дерево Тайник и заберите оттуда спрятанную книгу.
Alchemy Text
- Book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text Книга Алхимика | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Книга Алхимика
- Книга Алхимика Матильды. Следуя ее указаниям, найдите в Топях Крумы Дерево Тайник и заберите оттуда спрятанную книгу.
Alchemy Text
- Book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text Книга Алхимика | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Книга Алхимика
- Книга Алхимика Матильды. Следуя ее указаниям, найдите в Топях Крумы Дерево Тайник и заберите оттуда спрятанную книгу.
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
연금술 교재
- 연금술사 마틸드에게 받은 책. 책의 설명대로 크루마 습지에 있는 비법의 수호수를 찾아가서 비법서를 구해라.
Alchemy Text | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
ID: | 3678 |
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
Срок: | 100 |
ID: | 3678 |
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Alchemy Text | |
Тип: | Квестовый предмет |
Вес: | 0 |
Срок: | 100 |
ID: | 3678 |
Alchemy Text
- A book that can be obtained from Alchemist Matild. According to the instructions written in the book, go find the secret keeper tree located in the Cruma Marshlands and obtain the secret book.
Нужен для квестов
Тип | Название квеста | Ур | Начало | Награда |
The Wishing Potion Зелье Желаний |
30 | Matild (Матильда) Oren Territory (Земли Орена) |
Wish Potion (Зелье Желаний) |
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