Artificial Regeneration Incubator (Макет Клетки Жизни)

Immo lifeseed decoy i00 0.jpg Artificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Макет Клетки Жизни
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Макет Клетки Жизни

  • Устройство для создания макета, с помощью которого можно привлечь монстра, атакованного Колонией Гнилой Плоти. Можно использовать в подземелье Семени Бессмертия. Используется Подмастерьем, Ремесленником, Кузнецом, Мастером. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

Immo lifeseed decoy i00 0.jpg Artificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Макет Клетки Жизни
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Макет Клетки Жизни

  • Устройство для создания макета, с помощью которого можно привлечь монстра, атакованного Колонией Гнилой Плоти. Можно использовать в подземелье Семени Бессмертия. Используется Подмастерьем, Ремесленником, Кузнецом, Мастером. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

Immo lifeseed decoy i00 0.jpgArtificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Макет Клетки Жизни
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Макет Клетки Жизни

  • Устройство для создания макета, с помощью которого можно привлечь монстра, атакованного Колонией Гнилой Плоти. Можно использовать в подземелье Семени Бессмертия. Используется Подмастерьем, Ремесленником, Кузнецом, Мастером. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

인공 재생의 종양체 발생기

  • 불멸의 씨앗 내 조직에 촉매제를 삽입하여 재생의 씨앗을 공격하는 몬스터들을 유인할 인공 조직을 생성시켜주는 장치. 불멸의 씨앗 침식의 관실 방어전 인스턴트 던전에서만 사용 가능. 드워프 파이터, 아티산, 워스미스, 마에스트로 전용. 교환, 드랍 불가.

Immo lifeseed decoy i00 0.jpgArtificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. No exchange/drop available.

Immo lifeseed decoy i00 0.jpgArtificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Infinity, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Infinity. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. No exchange/drop available.

Etc mechanic box i00 0.jpgArtificial Regeneration Incubator Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Artificial Regeneration Incubator

  • By putting catalyzer inside Seed of Immortality, the device creates artificial tissue to eliminate the monsters that attack the Seed of Life. Can be used only to defend the instant dungeon Hall of Erosion in the Seed of Immortality. Exclusively used by Dwarf Fighters, Artisans, Warsmiths, and Maestros. No exchange/drop available.

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