Blood of Saint (Кровь Святой)

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpg Blood of Saint Item grade NG.gif
Кровь Святой

Кровь Святой

  • Кровь Святой Солины в стеклянном сосуде. Отнесите ее Магистру Ханелин вместе с Книгой Святой и Ветвью Святой.

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpg Blood of Saint Item grade NG.gif
Кровь Святой

Кровь Святой

  • Кровь Святой Солины в стеклянном сосуде. Отнесите ее Магистру Ханелин вместе с Книгой Святой и Ветвью Святой.

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif
Кровь Святого

Кровь Святого

  • Кровь Святого Солина в стеклянной бутылке. Отнесите это Магистру Ханелин вместе с Книгой Святого и Ветвью Святого.

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

성자의 피

  • 성자 솔리나의 피. 유리병 안에 검게 굳어 있다. 성자의 책, 성자의 가지와 함께 하넬린에게 가져가라.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

Etc dragons blood i00 0.jpgBlood of Saint Item grade NG.gif

Blood of Saint

  • The blood of Saint Solina, hardened into a dark-colored substance contained in a glass bottle. Take it, along with the Book of Saint and the Bough of Saint to Magister Hanellin.

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