Booty - Grey Pouch (Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек)

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpg Booty - Grey Pouch Item grade NG.gif
Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

  • Предмет, который достали из Болота. Он весь грязный и потертый. Кажется, в нем есть что-то, похожее на бутыль с водой. Щелкните по нему два раза, чтобы посмотреть содержимое.

Booty - Grey Pouch

  • Item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out grey pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you Double-click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpg Booty - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif
Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

  • Предмет, который достали из Болота. Он весь грязный и потертый. Кажется, в нем есть что-то, похожее на бутыль с водой. Щелкните по нему два раза, чтобы посмотреть содержимое.

Booty - Gray Pouch

  • Item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you Double click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgBooty - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif
Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

Добытые Товары - Серый Мешочек

  • Предмет, который достали из Болота. Он весь грязный и потертый. Кажется, в нем есть что-то, похожее на бутыль с водой. Щелкните по нему два раза, чтобы посмотреть содержимое.

Booty - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

노획물 - 회색 주머니

  • 늪지에서 회수된 물품. 여기저기 찢어진 더러운 회색 주머니. 물병 같은 것이 들어 있는 듯하다. 더블 클릭하면 내용물을 확인할 수 있다.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgLoot - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif

Loot - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgLoot - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif

Loot - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgLoot - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif

Loot - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgLoot - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif

Loot - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

Etc pouch gray i00 0.jpgLoot - Gray Pouch Item grade NG.gif

Loot - Gray Pouch

  • An item recovered from the swampland. It is a dirty and worn out gray pouch that is ripped here and there. It seems to contain an object that looks like a water bottle. If you double-click it, you can view what it contains.

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