Brooch of the Magpie (Перо Сороки)

Etc feather black i00 0.jpg Brooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Перо Сороки
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Перо Сороки

  • Перо, оставленное умирающим Гномом. Необходимо доставить его Кузнецу Кусто в Гиран.

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Town of Giran.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpg Brooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Перо Сороки
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Перо Сороки

  • Перо, оставленное умирающим Гномом. Необходимо доставить его Кузнецу Кусто в Гиран.

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Town of Giran.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Перо Сороки
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Перо Сороки

  • Перо, оставленное умирающим Гномом. Необходимо доставить его Кузнецу Кусто в Гиран.

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Town of Giran.

때까치의 브로치

  • 죽어가는 드워프가 기란성 마을에 있는 동생 쿠스토에게 전해 달라며 준 브로치.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Giran Castle Town.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Giran Castle Town.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Giran Castle Town.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Giran Castle Town.

Etc feather black i00 0.jpgBrooch of the Magpie Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет
Цена:Adena.jpg 1000 Adena

Brooch of the Magpie

  • This brooch that was left by a dying Dwarf to be delivered to Head Blacksmith Kusto, his younger brother in Giran Castle Town.

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