Delu Totem (Тотем Делу)

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpg Delu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тотем Делу
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Тотем Делу

  • Тотем Шамана Делу. Соберите 10 таких и отнесите их Лейрин.

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpg Delu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тотем Делу
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Тотем Делу

  • Тотем Шамана Делу. Соберите 10 таких и отнесите их Лейрин.

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тотем Делу
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Тотем Делу

  • Тотем Шамана Делу. Соберите 10 таких и отнесите их Лейрин.

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

델루의 토템

  • 주술사 사스카의 토템. 나머지 델루 주술사들의 토템과 함께 민병 레이린에게 가져가라.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Delu Totem

  • The totem of Shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu Shaman totems, to Leirynn.

Etc totem necklace green i00 0.jpgDelu Totem Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Delu Totem

  • The totem of shaman Saska. Take this, along with the rest of the Delu shamans' totems, to Leirynn.

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Можно выполнить один разВыполняется в одиночку Test of the Searcher
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