Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 (Ключ от Сундука с Сокровищами - Ранг 1)

Etc old key i00 0.jpg Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif
Ключ от Сундука с Сокровищами - Ранг 1

Ключ от Сундука с Сокровищами - Ранг 1

  • Очень старый ржавый ключ, который больше нельзя использовать. Можно продать в торговую лавку.

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.

Etc old key i00 0.jpg Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif
Ключ от Сундука Сокровищ - Ранг 1

Ключ от Сундука Сокровищ - Ранг 1

  • Очень старый ржавый ключ, который больше нельзя использовать. Можно продать в торговую лавку.

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif
Ключ от Сундука Сокровищ - Ранг 1

Ключ от Сундука Сокровищ - Ранг 1

  • Очень старый и ржавый ключ, который больше нельзя использовать. Такие скупают в магазине.

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • An old, rusty key that cannot be used anymore. Can be bought at the shop.

보물상자 열쇠 - 1급

  • 100%의 확률로 1-19레벨의 보물 상자를 연다. 더 높은 레벨의 보물상자를 열 때는 성공 확률이 감소 한다.단 아이템 보상에는 확률이 적용된다

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.

Etc old key i00 0.jpgDeluxe Chest Key - Grade 1 Item grade NG.gif

Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1

  • Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.

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