Dimensional Diamond (Алмаз Иных Миров)

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpg Dimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Алмаз Иных Миров
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Алмаз Иных Миров

  • Кристалл, наполненный магической силой. Необходим для телепортации. Вы можете обменять их у любого Хранителя Портала на Свитки Телепорта в различные города.

Dimensional Diamond

  • Crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpg Dimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Алмаз Иных Миров
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Алмаз Иных Миров

  • Кристалл, наполненный магической силой. Необходим для телепортации. Вы можете обменять их у любого Хранителя Портала на Свитки Телепорта в различные города.

Dimensional Diamond

  • Crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Алмаз Иных Миров
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Алмаз Иных Миров

  • Кристалл, наполненный магической силой. Необходим для телепортации. Вы можете обменять их у любого Хранителя Портала на Свитки Телепорта в различные города.

Dimensional Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

디멘션 다이아몬드

  • 순간이동 마법을 시전할 때 필요한 마력의 결정체. 이것을 모아서 게이트키퍼에게 가져가면 여러가지 귀환 주문서와 교환할 수 있다.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Dimensional Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Dimensional Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Dimensional Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Teleportation magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimensional Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Dimensional Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Instant Move magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Etc gem clear i00 0.jpgDimension Diamond Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Dimension Diamond

  • A crystal that is filled with magical power. It is needed when casting Instant Move magic. If you collect this item and take them to a gatekeeper, you can trade them for various types of Scroll of Escape.

Похожие предметы

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