Gladiator (Гладиатор)

Gladiator — вторая профессия воина человеческой расы с 40-го по 76-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Warrior, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Challenger, Testimony of Trust и Test of the Duelist или альтернативный квест Good Work's Reward.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Duelist.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным серверам Gracia Final.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.1 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 738. Активный: Физическое умение 36 0 11000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.2 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 784. Активный: Физическое умение 37 0 11000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.3 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 833. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 11000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.1 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 487. Активный: Физическое умение 35 0 11000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.2 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 518. Активный: Физическое умение 36 0 11000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.3 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 550. Активный: Физическое умение 37 0 11000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.1 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 1. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 33000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.1 Attacks the enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 42 0 11000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.2 Attacks the enemy with 549 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 11000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.3 Attacks the enemy with 583 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 11000
Skill0087 0.jpg Detect Animal Weakness Ур.1 Increases one's own P. Atk. toward animals by 30% for 10 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 18 0 33000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.6 Increases the power of critical attacks by 139. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 7 0 33000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.3 HP recovery bonus increases by 1.7. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 33000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.1 P. Atk. increases by 23.7 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.2 P. Atk. increases by 25.4 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.3 P. Atk. increases by 27.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.14 P. Def. increases by 20.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.15 P. Def. increases by 21.6 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.16 P. Def. increases by 22.8 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def. by 21.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def. by 22.7 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def. by 24 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.9 P. Atk. increases by 23.7 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.10 P. Atk. increases by 25.4 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.11 P. Atk. increases by 27.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 11000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.4 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 884. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 12000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.5 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 937. Активный: Физическое умение 40 0 12000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.6 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 992. Активный: Физическое умение 41 0 12000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.4 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 583. Активный: Физическое умение 37 0 12000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.5 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 618. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 12000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.6 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 655. Активный: Физическое умение 39 0 12000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.1 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 369 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 25 0 11000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.2 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 392 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 26 0 11000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.3 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 417 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 27 0 11000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.4 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 442 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 27 0 12000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.5 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 469 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 28 0 12000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.6 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 496 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 29 0 12000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.1 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 111 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 12000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.2 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 118 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 47 0 12000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.3 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 124 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 12000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.2 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 2. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 35000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.4 Attacks the enemy with 619 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 12000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.5 Attacks the enemy with 656 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 12000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.6 Attacks the enemy with 694 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 47 0 12000
Skill0078 0.jpg War Cry Ур.2 Increases P. Atk. by 25% for 1 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 19 0 35000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.7 Increases the power of critical attacks by 166. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 8 0 35000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.1 P. Atk. increases by 32.9 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 35000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.4 P. Atk. increases by 29 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.5 P. Atk. increases by 30.9 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.6 P. Atk. increases by 32.9 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.17 P. Def. increases by 24.1 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.18 P. Def. increases by 25.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.19 P. Def. increases by 26.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def. by 25.3 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def. by 26.6 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def. by 27.9 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.12 P. Atk. increases by 29 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.13 P. Atk. increases by 30.9 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.14 P. Atk. increases by 32.9 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 12000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.7 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1049. Активный: Физическое умение 42 0 14000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.8 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1109. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 14000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.9 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1171. Активный: Физическое умение 44 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.7 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 693. Активный: Физическое умение 40 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.8 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 732. Активный: Физическое умение 42 0 14000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.9 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 773. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 14000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.7 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 525 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 30 0 14000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.8 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 555 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 30 0 14000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.9 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 586 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 31 0 14000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.4 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 132 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 14000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.5 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 139 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 52 0 14000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.6 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 147 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 53 0 14000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.7 Attacks the enemy with 735 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 14000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.8 Attacks the enemy with 777 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 14000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.9 Attacks the enemy with 820 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 52 0 14000
Skill0104 0.jpg Detect Plant Weakness Ур.1 Increases one's own P. Atk. toward plants by 30% for 10 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 21 0 43000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.8 Increases the power of critical attacks by 196. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 9 0 43000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.4 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.1. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 43000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.2 P. Atk. increases by 39.4 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 43000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.7 P. Atk. increases by 35 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.8 P. Atk. increases by 37.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.9 P. Atk. increases by 39.4 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.20 P. Def. increases by 28 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.21 P. Def. increases by 29.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.22 P. Def. increases by 30.8 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def. by 29.3 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def. by 30.7 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def. by 32.1 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.15 P. Atk. increases by 35 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.16 P. Atk. increases by 37.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.17 P. Atk. increases by 39.4 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 14000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.1 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 918 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 14000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.2 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 971 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 60 0 14000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.3 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1025 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 14000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.4 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1081 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 64 0 22000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.5 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1140 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 66 0 22000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.6 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1200 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 22000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.10 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1236. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 22000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.11 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1302. Активный: Физическое умение 47 0 22000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.12 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1371. Активный: Физическое умение 48 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.10 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 816. Активный: Физическое умение 44 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.11 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 860. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 22000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.12 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 905. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 22000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.10 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 618 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 32 0 22000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.11 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 651 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 33 0 22000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.12 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 686 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 34 0 22000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.7 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 155 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 55 0 22000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.8 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 163 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 22000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.9 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 172 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 22000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.3 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 3. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 65000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.1 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 155 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 55 0 22000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.2 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 163 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 22000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.3 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 172 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 22000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.10 Attacks the enemy with 865 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 53 0 22000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.11 Attacks the enemy with 912 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 55 0 22000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.12 Attacks the enemy with 960 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 22000
Skill0287 0.jpg Lionheart Ур.2 Increases one's own resistance to paralysis/hold/sleep/shock/buff canceling attacks by 60% for 1 minute. Активный: Усиливающее умение 22 0 65000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.9 Increases the power of critical attacks by 229. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 9 0 65000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.3 P. Atk. increases by 46.6 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 65000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.10 P. Atk. increases by 41.7 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.11 P. Atk. increases by 44.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.12 P. Atk. increases by 46.6 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.23 P. Def. increases by 32.2 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.24 P. Def. increases by 33.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.25 P. Def. increases by 35.2 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def. by 33.6 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def. by 35 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def. by 36.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.18 P. Atk. increases by 41.7 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.19 P. Atk. increases by 44.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.20 P. Atk. increases by 46.6 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 22000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.7 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1262 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 33000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.8 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1327 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 33000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.9 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1393 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 33000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.13 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1443. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 33000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.14 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1516. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 33000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.15 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1592. Активный: Физическое умение 51 0 33000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.13 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 952. Активный: Физическое умение 47 0 33000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.14 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1001. Активный: Физическое умение 48 0 33000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.15 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1051. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 33000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.13 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 722 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 35 0 33000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.14 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 758 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 35 0 33000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.15 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 796 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 36 0 33000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.10 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 181 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 33000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.11 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 190 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 33000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.12 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 199 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 33000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.4 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 181 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 33000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.5 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 190 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 33000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.6 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 199 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 33000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.13 Attacks the enemy with 1010 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 33000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.14 Attacks the enemy with 1062 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 33000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.15 Attacks the enemy with 1115 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 33000
Skill0080 0.jpg Detect Beast Weakness Ур.1 Increases one's own P. Atk. toward beasts by 30% for 10 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 24 0 100000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.10 Increases the power of critical attacks by 266. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 10 0 100000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.5 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.6. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 100000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.4 P. Atk. increases by 54.6 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 100000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.13 P. Atk. increases by 49.2 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.14 P. Atk. increases by 51.9 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.15 P. Atk. increases by 54.6 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.26 P. Def. increases by 36.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.27 P. Def. increases by 38.2 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.28 P. Def. increases by 39.8 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def. by 38.1 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def. by 39.6 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def. by 41.2 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.21 P. Atk. increases by 49.2 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.22 P. Atk. increases by 51.9 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.23 P. Atk. increases by 54.6 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 33000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.10 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1461 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 44000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.11 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1531 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 75 0 44000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.12 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1603 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 76 0 44000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.16 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1670. Активный: Физическое умение 52 0 44000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.17 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1750. Активный: Физическое умение 53 0 44000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.18 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1832. Активный: Физическое умение 55 0 44000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.16 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1102. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 44000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.17 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1155. Активный: Физическое умение 51 0 44000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.18 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1210. Активный: Физическое умение 52 0 44000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.16 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 835 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 37 0 44000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.17 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 875 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 44000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.18 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 916 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 44000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.13 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 209 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 44000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.14 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 219 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 64 0 44000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.15 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 229 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 44000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.4 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 4. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 133000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.7 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 209 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 44000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.8 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 219 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 64 0 44000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.9 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 229 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 44000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.16 Attacks the enemy with 1169 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 44000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.17 Attacks the enemy with 1225 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 44000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.18 Attacks the enemy with 1283 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 64 0 44000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.1 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 1948. Активный: Физическое умение 103 0 44000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.2 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2042. Активный: Физическое умение 105 0 44000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.3 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2138. Активный: Физическое умение 108 0 44000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.11 Increases the power of critical attacks by 306. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 10 0 133000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.5 P. Atk. increases by 63.3 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 133000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.16 P. Atk. increases by 57.5 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.17 P. Atk. increases by 60.4 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.18 P. Atk. increases by 63.3 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.29 P. Def. increases by 41.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.30 P. Def. increases by 43 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.31 P. Def. increases by 44.6 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def. by 42.8 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def. by 44.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def. by 46.1 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.24 P. Atk. increases by 57.5 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.25 P. Atk. increases by 60.4 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.26 P. Atk. increases by 63.3 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 44000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.13 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1677 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 78 0 51000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.14 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1753 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 80 0 51000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.15 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1830 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 82 0 51000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.19 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1917. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 51000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.20 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2003. Активный: Физическое умение 57 0 51000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.21 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2091. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 51000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.19 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1265. Активный: Физическое умение 54 0 51000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.20 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1322. Активный: Физическое умение 55 0 51000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.21 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1380. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 51000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.19 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 959 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 39 0 51000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.20 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1002 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 40 0 51000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.21 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1046 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 41 0 51000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.16 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 240 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 51000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.17 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 251 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 51000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.18 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 262 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 70 0 51000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.10 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 240 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 51000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.11 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 251 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 51000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.12 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 262 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 70 0 51000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.19 Attacks the enemy with 1342 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 51000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.20 Attacks the enemy with 1402 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 51000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.21 Attacks the enemy with 1464 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 68 0 51000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.4 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2236. Активный: Физическое умение 110 0 51000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.5 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2337. Активный: Физическое умение 113 0 51000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.6 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2439. Активный: Физическое умение 115 0 51000
Skill0088 0.jpg Detect Dragon Weakness Ур.1 Increases one's own P. Atk. toward dragons by 30% for 10 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 27 0 153000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.12 Increases the power of critical attacks by 349. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 11 0 153000
Skill0424 0.jpg War Frenzy Ур.1 Increases resistance to shock attacks by 5 and resistance to sleep attacks by 10. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 11 0 153000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.6 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.7. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 153000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.6 P. Atk. increases by 72.7 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 153000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.19 P. Atk. increases by 66.4 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.20 P. Atk. increases by 69.5 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.21 P. Atk. increases by 72.7 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.32 P. Def. increases by 46.3 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.33 P. Def. increases by 48 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.34 P. Def. increases by 49.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def. by 47.8 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def. by 49.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def. by 51.3 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.27 P. Atk. increases by 66.4 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.28 P. Atk. increases by 69.5 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.29 P. Atk. increases by 72.7 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 51000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.16 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1908 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 83 0 97000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.17 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 1988 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 85 0 97000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.22 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2181. Активный: Физическое умение 60 0 97000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.23 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2272. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 97000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.22 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1440. Активный: Физическое умение 57 0 97000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.23 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1500. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 97000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.22 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1091 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 42 0 97000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.23 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1136 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 97000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.19 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 273 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 97000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.20 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 284 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 97000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.5 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 5. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 190000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.13 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 273 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 97000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.14 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 284 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 97000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.22 Attacks the enemy with 1527 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 70 0 97000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.23 Attacks the enemy with 1591 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 97000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.7 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2544. Активный: Физическое умение 118 0 97000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.8 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2651. Активный: Физическое умение 120 0 97000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.13 Increases the power of critical attacks by 379. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 11 0 190000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.7 P. Atk. increases by 79.3 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 190000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.22 P. Atk. increases by 76 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.23 P. Atk. increases by 79.3 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.35 P. Def. increases by 51.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.36 P. Def. increases by 53.2 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def. by 53 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def. by 54.8 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.30 P. Atk. increases by 76 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.31 P. Atk. increases by 79.3 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 97000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.18 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2070 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 85 0 130000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.19 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2153 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 87 0 130000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.24 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2366. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 130000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.25 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2460. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 130000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.24 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1561. Активный: Физическое умение 59 0 130000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.25 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1624. Активный: Физическое умение 60 0 130000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.24 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1183 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 130000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.25 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1230 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 44 0 130000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.21 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 296 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 130000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.22 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 308 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 75 0 130000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.15 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 296 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 130000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.16 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 308 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 75 0 130000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.24 Attacks the enemy with 1656 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 130000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.25 Attacks the enemy with 1722 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 130000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.9 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2760. Активный: Физическое умение 121 0 130000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.10 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2870. Активный: Физическое умение 123 0 130000
Skill0287 0.jpg Lionheart Ур.3 Increases one's own resistance to paralysis/hold/sleep/shock/buff canceling attacks by 80% for 1 minute. Активный: Усиливающее умение 29 0 250000
Skill0451 0.jpg Sonic Move Ур.1 Detonates sword energy to increases moving speed by 40 for 15 seconds. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Активный: Усиливающее умение 29 0 250000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.14 Increases the power of critical attacks by 410. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 12 0 250000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.8 P. Atk. increases by 86.1 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 250000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.24 P. Atk. increases by 82.7 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.25 P. Atk. increases by 86.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.37 P. Def. increases by 55 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.38 P. Def. increases by 56.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def. by 56.6 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def. by 58.4 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.32 P. Atk. increases by 82.7 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.33 P. Atk. increases by 86.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 130000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.20 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2237 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 89 0 160000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.21 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2322 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 90 0 160000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.26 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2556. Активный: Физическое умение 63 0 160000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.27 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2653. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 160000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.26 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1687. Активный: Физическое умение 61 0 160000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.27 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1751. Активный: Физическое умение 62 0 160000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.26 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1278 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 160000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.27 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1327 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 160000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.23 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 320 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 76 0 160000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.24 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 332 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 77 0 160000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.17 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 320 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 76 0 160000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.18 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 332 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 77 0 160000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.26 Attacks the enemy with 1789 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 74 0 160000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.27 Attacks the enemy with 1857 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 75 0 160000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.11 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 2982. Активный: Физическое умение 125 0 160000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.12 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3095. Активный: Физическое умение 128 0 160000
Skill0297 0.jpg Duelist Spirit Ур.1 Increases dualsword Atk. Spd. by 8% for 1 minute and increases ordinary/skill attack damage by 5% during PvP. Активный: Усиливающее умение 30 0 320000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.15 Increases the power of critical attacks by 443. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 12 0 320000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.9 P. Atk. increases by 93.1 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 320000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.26 P. Atk. increases by 89.6 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.27 P. Atk. increases by 93.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.39 P. Def. increases by 58.6 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.40 P. Def. increases by 60.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def. by 60.2 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def. by 62.1 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.34 P. Atk. increases by 89.6 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.35 P. Atk. increases by 93.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 160000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.22 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2408 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 92 0 220000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.23 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2494 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 93 0 220000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.28 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2751. Активный: Физическое умение 66 0 220000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.29 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2850. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 220000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.28 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1816. Активный: Физическое умение 63 0 220000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.29 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1881. Активный: Физическое умение 64 0 220000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.28 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1376 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 220000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.29 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1425 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 47 0 220000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.25 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 344 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 79 0 220000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.26 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 357 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 80 0 220000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.6 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 6. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 440000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.19 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 344 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 79 0 220000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.20 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 357 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 80 0 220000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.28 Attacks the enemy with 1926 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 77 0 220000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.29 Attacks the enemy with 1995 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 78 0 220000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.13 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3210. Активный: Физическое умение 130 0 220000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.14 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3325. Активный: Физическое умение 132 0 220000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.16 Increases the power of critical attacks by 475. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 13 0 440000
Skill0424 0.jpg War Frenzy Ур.2 Increases resistance to shock attacks by 10 and resistance to sleep attacks by 20. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 13 0 440000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.10 P. Atk. increases by 100.2 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 440000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.28 P. Atk. increases by 96.6 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.29 P. Atk. increases by 100.2 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.41 P. Def. increases by 62.2 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.42 P. Def. increases by 64.1 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def. by 64 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Def. by 65.8 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.36 P. Atk. increases by 96.6 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.37 P. Atk. increases by 100.2 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 220000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.24 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2581 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 95 0 240000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.25 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2669 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 96 0 240000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.30 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2950. Активный: Физическое умение 68 0 240000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.31 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3050. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 240000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.30 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 1947. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 240000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.31 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2013. Активный: Физическое умение 66 0 240000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.30 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1475 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 48 0 240000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.31 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1525 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 48 0 240000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.27 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 369 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 81 0 240000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.28 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 382 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 83 0 240000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.21 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 369 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 81 0 240000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.22 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 382 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 83 0 240000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.30 Attacks the enemy with 2065 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 79 0 240000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.31 Attacks the enemy with 2135 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 80 0 240000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.15 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3442. Активный: Физическое умение 134 0 240000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.16 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3559. Активный: Физическое умение 136 0 240000
Skill0451 0.jpg Sonic Move Ур.2 Detonates sword energy to increases moving speed by 66 for 15 seconds. Requires 3rd stage of Sword Energy recharge. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Активный: Усиливающее умение 32 0 490000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.17 Increases the power of critical attacks by 509. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 13 0 490000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.7 HP recovery bonus increases by 3.4. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 490000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.11 P. Atk. increases by 107.5 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 490000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.30 P. Atk. increases by 103.8 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.31 P. Atk. increases by 107.5 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.43 P. Def. increases by 66 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.44 P. Def. increases by 67.8 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Def. by 67.7 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Def. by 69.7 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.38 P. Atk. increases by 103.8 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.39 P. Atk. increases by 107.5 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 240000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.26 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2757 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 98 0 310000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.27 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2846 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 99 0 310000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.32 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3151. Активный: Физическое умение 70 0 310000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.33 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3252. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 310000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.32 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2080. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 310000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.33 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2146. Активный: Физическое умение 68 0 310000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.32 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1576 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 310000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.33 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1626 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 50 0 310000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.29 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 84 0 310000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.30 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 407 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 85 0 310000
Skill0008 0.jpg Sonic Focus Ур.7 Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 7. Активный: Физическое умение 5 25 620000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.23 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 84 0 310000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.24 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 407 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 85 0 310000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.32 Attacks the enemy with 2206 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 82 0 310000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.33 Attacks the enemy with 2277 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 83 0 310000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.17 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3676. Активный: Физическое умение 139 0 310000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.18 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3794. Активный: Физическое умение 141 0 310000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.18 Increases the power of critical attacks by 542. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 13 0 620000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.12 P. Atk. increases by 114.8 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 620000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.32 P. Atk. increases by 111.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.33 P. Atk. increases by 114.8 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.45 P. Def. increases by 69.7 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.46 P. Def. increases by 71.6 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Def. by 71.6 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.46 Increases P. Def. by 73.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.40 P. Atk. increases by 111.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.41 P. Atk. increases by 114.8 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 310000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.28 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 2934 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 101 0 400000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.29 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 3022 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 102 0 400000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.34 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3353. Активный: Физическое умение 72 0 400000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.35 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3453. Активный: Физическое умение 73 0 400000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.34 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2213. Активный: Физическое умение 69 0 400000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.35 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2279. Активный: Физическое умение 70 0 400000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.34 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1677 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 51 0 400000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.35 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1727 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 51 0 400000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.31 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 420 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 86 0 400000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.32 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 432 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 88 0 400000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.25 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 420 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 86 0 400000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.26 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 432 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 88 0 400000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.34 Attacks the enemy with 2347 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 84 0 400000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.35 Attacks the enemy with 2417 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 85 0 400000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.19 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 3911. Активный: Физическое умение 143 0 400000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.20 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 4029. Активный: Физическое умение 145 0 400000
Skill0297 0.jpg Duelist Spirit Ур.2 Increases dualsword Atk. Spd. by 12% for 1 minute and increases ordinary/skill attack damage by 10% during PvP. Активный: Усиливающее умение 34 0 800000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.19 Increases the power of critical attacks by 576. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 14 0 800000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.13 P. Atk. increases by 122.1 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 800000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.34 P. Atk. increases by 118.4 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.35 P. Atk. increases by 122.1 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.47 P. Def. increases by 73.6 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.48 P. Def. increases by 75.5 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.47 Increases P. Def. by 75.5 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.48 Increases P. Def. by 77.4 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.42 P. Atk. increases by 118.4 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.43 P. Atk. increases by 122.1 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 400000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.30 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 3109 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 104 0 810000
Skill0005 0.jpg Double Sonic Slash Ур.31 Swings powerfully after recharging Sword Energy. Attacks the enemy with 3196 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 3rd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 105 0 810000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.36 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3553. Активный: Физическое умение 74 0 810000
Skill0190 0.jpg Fatal Strike Ур.37 Strong pounding attack. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 3653. Активный: Физическое умение 75 0 810000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.36 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2345. Активный: Физическое умение 71 0 810000
Skill0260 0.jpg Hammer Crush Ур.37 Simultaneously stuns and inflicts melee damage. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Power 2411. Активный: Физическое умение 72 0 810000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.36 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1777 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 52 0 810000
Skill0006 0.jpg Sonic Blaster Ур.37 Hurls Sword Energy to attack the enemy with 1827 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 53 0 810000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.33 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 445 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 89 0 810000
Skill0009 0.jpg Sonic Buster Ур.34 Detonates Sword Energy to attack enemies at the front with 457 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 90 0 810000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.27 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 445 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 89 0 810000
Skill0007 0.jpg Sonic Storm Ур.28 Hurls Sword Energy to attack around the enemy with 457 Power added to P. Atk. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dual-sword. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Over-hit is possible. Critical. Активный: Физическое умение 90 0 810000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.36 Attacks the enemy with 2488 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 86 0 810000
Skill0001 0.jpg Triple Slash Ур.37 Attacks the enemy with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Over-hit. Ignores shield defense. Активный: Физическое умение 86 0 810000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.21 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 4146. Активный: Физическое умение 146 0 810000
Skill0261 0.jpg Triple Sonic Slash Ур.22 You channel a sonic force which causes your weapon to strike three times the norm. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Over-hit is possible. Requires Level 4 or above Sonic Focus charge. Shield Defense is ignored. Critical hit is possible. Power 4262. Активный: Физическое умение 148 0 810000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.20 Increases the power of critical attacks by 609. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 14 0 1630000
Skill0424 0.jpg War Frenzy Ур.3 Increases resistance to shock attacks by 15 and resistance to sleep attacks by 30. MP is continuously consumed according to level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 14 0 1630000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.8 HP recovery bonus increases by 4. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 1630000
Skill0290 0.jpg Final Frenzy Ур.14 P. Atk. increases by 129.3 when HP is below 30%. Пассивный: Дополнительное умение 0 0 1630000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.36 P. Atk. increases by 125.7 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0144 0.jpg Dual Weapon Mastery Ур.37 P. Atk. increases by 129.3 when using a dualsword. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.49 P. Def. increases by 77.4 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0231 0.jpg Heavy Armor Mastery Ур.50 P. Def. increases by 79.3 when heavy armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.49 Increases P. Def. by 79.4 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0227 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.50 Increases P. Def. by 81.3 and evasion by 6 when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.44 P. Atk. increases by 125.7 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000
Skill0257 0.jpg Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery Ур.45 P. Atk. increases by 129.3 when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 810000

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