Half of Diary (Половина Дневника)

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpg Half of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Половина Дневника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Половина Дневника

  • Половина дневника Алланы. Вы должны забрать деньги у Перрина и найти вторую часть этого дневника.

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpg Half of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Половина Дневника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Половина Дневника

  • Половина дневника Алланы. Вы должны забрать деньги у Перрина и найти вторую часть этого дневника.

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Половина Дневника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Половина Дневника

  • Половина дневника Алланы. Вы должны забрать деньги у Перрина и найти вторую часть этого дневника.

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

알라나의 일기장 반쪽

  • 알라나가 준 반쪽짜리 일기장. 페린에게서 돈을 받아와 나머지 일기장을 구해야 한다.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

Etc piece of paper gray i00 0.jpgHalf of Diary Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Half of Diary

  • Half of the diary given by Allana. You must get money from Perrin and find the other half of the diary.

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Источник — «https://linedia.ru/wiki/Half_of_Diary»

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