Harrys' 2nd Receipt (Расписка Харриса)

Etc letter white i00 0.jpg Harrys' 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Расписка Харриса
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Расписка Харриса

  • Расписка, полученная Харрисом после составления заказа на его инструменты. Соберите Осколки Голема, необходимые для создания инструмента.

Harrys' 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpg Harrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
II Расписка Харриса
Тип:Квестовый предмет

II Расписка Харриса

  • Расписка, полученная Харрисом после составления заказа на его инструменты. Соберите Осколки Голема, необходимые для создания инструмента.

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
II Расписка Харриса
Тип:Квестовый предмет

II Расписка Харриса

  • Расписка, полученная Харрисом после составления заказа на его инструменты. Соберите Осколки Голема, необходимые для создания инструмента.

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

헤리스의 영수증

  • 헤리스가 연장 제작을 주문하고 받은 영수증. 연장을 만드는데 필요한 골렘 파편을 수집하라.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgHarrys's 2nd Receipt Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Harrys's 2nd Receipt

  • The receipt that Harrys has received after placing an order for his tools. Go and gather golem shards needed for creating the tool.

Нужен для квестов

Тип Название квеста Ур Начало Награда
Можно выполнить один разВыполняется в одиночку Shards of Golem
Осколок Голема
10 — 17 Harrys (Харрис)
Gludio Territory (Земли Глудио)
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