Lycanthrope Skull (Череп Ликантропа)

Etc skull black i00 0.jpg Lycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Череп Ликантропа
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Череп Ликантропа

  • Череп, добытый с мертвого Ликантропа. Соберите 13 штук и отнесите их Мастеру Вирджилу.

Lycanthrope Skull

  • Skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpg Lycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Череп Ликантропа
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Череп Ликантропа

  • Череп, добытый с мертвого Ликантропа. Соберите 13 штук и отнесите их Мастеру Вирджилу.

Lycanthrope Skull

  • Skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Череп Ликантропа
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Череп Ликантропа

  • Череп, добытый с мертвого Ликантропа. Соберите 13 штук и отнесите их Мастеру Вирджилу.

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

라이칸슬로프 두개골

  • 라이칸슬로프를 쓰러뜨리고 얻은 두개골. 이것을 열세 개 모아서 마스터 버질에게 돌아가라.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Etc skull black i00 0.jpgLycanthrope Skull Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Lycanthrope Skull

  • A skull obtained after killing lycanthrope. Collect thirteen and take them to Master Virgil.

Нужен для квестов

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