Marsh Drake Talons (Коготь Болотного Дрейка)

Etc claw i00 0.jpg Marsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Коготь Болотного Дрейка
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Коготь Болотного Дрейка

  • Коготь, вырезанный у мертвого Болотного Дрейка. Отдайте его Магистру Каене, Смотрителю Печати.

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpg Marsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Коготь Болотного Дрейка
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Коготь Болотного Дрейка

  • Коготь, вырезанный у мертвого Болотного Дрейка. Отдайте его Магистру Каене, Смотрителю Печати.

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Коготь Болотного Дрейка
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Коготь Болотного Дрейка

  • Коготь, вырезанный у мертвого Болотного Дрейка. Отдайте его Магистру Каене, Смотрителю Печати.

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

마쉬 드레이크의 발톱

  • 마쉬 드레이크를 쓰러뜨리고 그 발톱을 뽑아낸 것. 이것을 봉인의 수호자 매지스터 카이에나에게 가져가라.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Etc claw i00 0.jpgMarsh Drake Talons Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Marsh Drake Talons

  • The talons that were removed from a marsh drake after it was killed. Take them to Magister Kaiena, the Watchman of the Seal.

Дается в квестах

Тип Название квеста Ур Начало Награда
Можно выполнить любое количество разВыполняется в одиночку Audience with the Land Dragon
Аудиенция у Дракона Земли
50 — 64 Gabrielle (Габриэль)
Giran Territory (Земли Гирана)
Etc plate blue i00 0.jpg Portal Stone (Камень Портала)

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