Miracle Cure of Resuscitation (Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения)

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpg Miracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения

  • Эликсир, используемый в церемониях древней Грации. Быстро останавливает кровотечение, нейтрализует действие яда, ослабляет действие отрицательных эффектов. Используется только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • Wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of Bleeding and Poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpg Miracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения

  • Эликсир, используемый в церемониях древней Грации. Быстро останавливает кровотечение, нейтрализует действие яда, ослабляет действие отрицательных эффектов. Используется только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • Wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of Bleeding and Poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpgMiracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Чудесный Эликсир Возрождения

  • Эликсир, используемый в церемониях древней Грации. Быстро останавливает кровотечение, нейтрализует действие яда, ослабляет действие отрицательных эффектов. Используется только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • A wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of bleeding and poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

회생의 영약

  • 고대 그레시아 제례 의식에 사용된 것으로 보이는 영약. 불멸의 씨앗 내 몬스터들이 유발하는 출혈, 독 효과를 최대 효력 8까지 또는 명계의 마견이 유발하는 특수 디버프를 최대 효력 4까지 해제시켜 준다. 불멸의 씨앗 인스턴트 던전 내에서만 사용 가능.

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpgMiracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • A wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of bleeding and poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpgMiracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • A wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of bleeding and poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc cp potion i01 0.jpgMiracle Cure of Resuscitation Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Зелье (Potion)

Miracle Cure of Resuscitation

  • A wondrous drug that seems to have been used in ancient Gracian sacrificial rituals. It cancels the effect of bleeding and poison caused by the monsters inside Seed of Immortality up to the maximum effect 8 or Netherworld's Magyun induced special de-buff up to the maximum effect 4. Can be used only inside Seed of Immortality instant dungeons.

Похожие предметы

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Похожие умения

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Skill1426 0.jpg Miracle (Чудо)

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