Pendant of Mother (Кулон Матери)

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpg Pendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Кулон Матери
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Кулон Матери

  • Кулон матери Стража Прага, которую он потерял в Руинах. Отнесите ее Прагу и получите запрещенную книгу.

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpg Pendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Подвеска Матери
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Подвеска Матери

  • Подвеска матери Стража Прага, которую он потерял в Руинах. Отнесите ее Прагу и получите запрещенную книгу.

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Подвеска Матери
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Подвеска Матери

  • Подвеска матери Стража Прага, которую он потерял в Руинах. Отнесите ее Прагу и получите запрещенную книгу.

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

어머니의 팬던트

  • 프라가가 폐허에서 잃어버린 어머니의 유품. 이것을 가드 프라가에게 주고 금서를 받아라.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

Accessary blessed earing i00 0.jpgPendant of Mother Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Pendant of Mother

  • The pendant of his mother that Guard Praga lost in the ruins. Take this to Guard Praga and receive a forbidden book.

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