Prince's Bust (Статуэтка Принца)
Prince's Bust Статуэтка Принца | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Статуэтка Принца
- Статуя принца Малькома, сделанная из чистого золота. Весьма уродливая, но дорогая.
Prince's Bust
- Statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust Статуэтка Принца | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Статуэтка Принца
- Статуя принца Малькома, сделанная из чистого золота. Весьма уродливая, но дорогая.
Prince's Bust
- Statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust Статуэтка Принца | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Статуэтка Принца
- Статуя принца Малькома, сделанная из чистого золота. Весьма уродливая, но дорогая.
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
왕자의 흉상
- 순금으로 만들어진 말콤 왕자의 조각상. 그다지 보기 좋지는 않으나 꽤 비싼 값에 팔릴 듯...
Prince's Bust | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
Prince's Bust | |
Тип: | Прочее |
Вес: | 20 |
ID: | 4368 |
Prince's Bust
- A statue of Prince Malcom made of pure gold. Although quite ugly, it will fetch a handsome price.
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