Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 25) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25)

  • Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий.
  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracian War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 25)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий.
  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracian War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий.
  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracian War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Рыцарь, который до вступления Грации в войну управлял мирным городом, ныне известным как Руины Страданий. При жизни его знали как сэра Гриндела, которого взяли в плен после поражения в битве с Армией Грации и пытали до смерти. Приспешники Белефа, скрывающиеся в Башне, украли его тело и воскресили сэра Гриндела, поработив его душу. Потеряв представление о рыцарской чести и чувство самопожертвования, он превратился в дьявола и пытается разделить свою боль с каждым, кто попадается ему на пути бесконечных скитаний по Руинам Страданий. 0 0 0

  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony. 0 0 0

  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony. 0 0 0

  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony. 0 0 0

  • A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 25

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A knight who used to govern a peaceful town before the Gracia War, today it is called the Ruins of Agony. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Gracian Army. Underlings of Beleth hiding in the town stole his body and resurrected him, making his soul corrupted. Having lost his knightly honor and sense of self-sacrifice, now he has turned into a devil and tries to spread his pain to all he encounters in his endless wanders through the Ruins of Agony. 0 0 0

  • Knight who used to govern a peaceful town, which is now called Ruins of Agony, before the Grecia War. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and as a prisoner was brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Grecian Army. Perpetrators of Beleth hiding in the town used his body discarded in the middle of the town, resurrected him and made his soul fall. Having lost his royal knight qualities sacrificing himself for the town, he has turned into a devil that tries to spread his pain to all the other life forms, and wanders about in the Ruins of Agony.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Knight who used to govern a peaceful town, which is now called Ruins of Agony, before the Grecia War. Called Sir Grindel in his lifetime, he was captured and as a prisoner was brutally tortured to death after losing a battle against the Grecian Army. Perpetrators of Beleth hiding in the town used his body discarded in the middle of the town, resurrected him and made his soul fall. Having lost his royal knight qualities sacrificing himself for the town, he has turned into a devil that tries to spread his pain to all the other life forms, and wanders about in the Ruins of Agony. 0 0 0

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