Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 30) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 30)

  • Ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он тщательно скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя.
  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 30)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он тщательно скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он тщательно скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя.
  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он тщательно скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Кровожадный лорд и ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя.
  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Кровожадный лорд и ветеран, известный своими выдающимися победами. Согласно последним слухам, он скрывает намерение свергнуть своего повелителя. 0 0 0

  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master. 0 0 0

  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master. 0 0 0

  • A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A bloodthirsty Lord and a veteran warrior known for his great battle victories. According to recent rumors, he is conspiring to overthrow his master. 0 0 0

  • Bloody Lord Nurka's obedient servant and veteran warrior, known to have been missing in action. As an overly proud Oel Mahum, he ignores and torments the lower level Ol Mahums. Due to this shortcoming, he is not respected as much as Nurka despite his greater battle victories. According to rumor, he is secretly plotting another conspiracy with Nurka.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 30

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Bloody Lord Nurka's obedient servant and veteran warrior, known to have been missing in action. As an overly proud Oel Mahum, he ignores and torments the lower level Ol Mahums. Due to this shortcoming, he is not respected as much as Nurka despite his greater battle victories. According to rumor, he is secretly plotting another conspiracy with Nurka. 0 0 0

  • Bloody Lord Nurka's obedient servant and veteran known to have been missing at war. As an overly proud Oel Mahum, he ignores and torments the lower-level tribe, Ol Mahums. Due to his weakness, he is not respected as much as Nurka is although he has more war achievements. According to a rumor, he is secretly plotting another conspiracy with Nurka, but nothing has been reported.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Bloody Lord Nurka's obedient servant and veteran known to have been missing at war. As an overly proud Oel Mahum, he ignores and torments the lower-level tribe, Ol Mahums. Due to his weakness, he is not respected as much as Nurka is although he has more war achievements. According to a rumor, he is secretly plotting another conspiracy with Nurka, but nothing has been reported. 0 0 0

Похожие умения

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Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 20 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 20)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 20 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 20)
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Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 21 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 21)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 21 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 21)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 21 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 21)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 22 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 22)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 23 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 23)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 23 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 23)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 23 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 23)
Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 24 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 24)

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