Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 35) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 35)

  • Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади.
  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 35)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади.
  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади.
  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Капитан банды Осужденных Наемников, известный больше под кличкой Красный Глаз. Он был призван вместе с другими Осужденными во время вторжения Грации, но отстал от основных сил во время отступления. Следуя зову войны, ни он, ни его люди так и не вернулись в свою страну, предпочитая промышлять засадами на территории Диона, оккупированной во время войны. Он верит в Армию Грации и считает ее командиров трусами за то, что они оставили своих людей позади. 0 0 0

  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind. 0 0 0

  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind. 0 0 0

  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind. 0 0 0

  • Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 35

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Captain of the powerful convict mercenary band called the Red Eye. He was drafted with other convicts during Gracia's invasion, but was abandoned by the main army during a retreat. Following the war, he and his men did not return to their country, preferring to stay in the the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and ambushing. He believes the Gracian Army and its commanders were cowards for leaving his men behind. 0 0 0

  • Captain of the Red Eye which is the powerful Mercenary band consisting of Convicts. Like other Convicts, he was dispatched during Grecia's invasion, but got left behind by their command when they lost, and did not return to his country. Calling the Grecian Army that gave him up and ran away as cowards, he stays in the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and destroying others. He has a delusion that he can win the war only with the Red Eye.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Captain of the Red Eye which is the powerful Mercenary band consisting of Convicts. Like other Convicts, he was dispatched during Grecia's invasion, but got left behind by their command when they lost, and did not return to his country. Calling the Grecian Army that gave him up and ran away as cowards, he stays in the Dion Territory occupied during the war, sacking and destroying others. He has a delusion that he can win the war only with the Red Eye. 0 0 0

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