Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 38) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 38)

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее.
  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 38)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее.
  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее.
  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников, желающий познать тайны Башни Крума. Услышав песню барда, которая называлась Семь Тайн Башни Крума, он решил стать рыцарем короля, заполучив древнее оружие, являющееся третьей тайной композиции. Поскольку Хранители Порталов Башни Слоновой Кости отказались его телепортировать потому, что Племя Осужденных - изгнанники, он все еще не проник внутрь Башни, но все время кружит вокруг нее. 0 0 0

  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it. 0 0 0

  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it. 0 0 0

  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it. 0 0 0

  • The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 38

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Convict Mercenary Captain searches for the secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he has decided to officially become a knight of the king by attaining the ancient weapon, which is the third secret of the song. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it. 0 0 0

  • Convict Mercenary Captain wandering about to get secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he's decided to officially become a knight of King by attaining the ancient weapon which is the third secret out of seven. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Convict Mercenary Captain wandering about to get secrets of the Cruma Tower. After listening to a bard singing a song called Seven Secrets of Cruma Tower, he's decided to officially become a knight of King by attaining the ancient weapon which is the third secret out of seven. Since Gatekeepers of the Ivory Tower have rejected his teleport as the Convict Tribe is banned from the tower, he still has not entered the tower, but has been circling around it. 0 0 0

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