Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 40) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40)

  • Мистик Ящеров, мудро правящий Ящерами Делу. Утверждает, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В юности он ратовал за мир с расой людей, но те оставались враждебными, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем чужестранцам, посмевшим ступить на территорию его племени.
  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counseled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 40)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Мистик Ящеров, мудро правящий Ящерами Делу. Утверждает, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В юности он ратовал за мир с расой людей, но те оставались враждебными, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем чужестранцам, посмевшим ступить на территорию его племени. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Мистик Ящеров, мудро правящий Ящерами Делу. Утверждает, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В юности он ратовал за мир с расой людей, но те оставались враждебными, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем чужестранцам, посмевшим ступить на территорию его племени.
  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counseled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Мистик Ящеров, мудро правящий Ящерами Делу. Утверждает, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В юности он ратовал за мир с расой людей, но те оставались враждебными, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем чужестранцам, посмевшим ступить на территорию его племени. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Мистик Ящеров, который правит Ящерами Делу с помощью озарений и мудрости. Он говорил, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В молодости он всегда ратовал за мир с расой людей, но они оставались слепы и враждебны, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем и каждому чужестранцу, посмевшему ступить на территорию его племени.
  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counseled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Мистик Ящеров, который правит Ящерами Делу с помощью озарений и мудрости. Он говорил, что в свое время обучался у Хардина. В молодости он всегда ратовал за мир с расой людей, но они оставались слепы и враждебны, несмотря на его мирные намерения и поступки. С течением лет он обозлился на человеческую глупость и объявил войну всем и каждому чужестранцу, посмевшему ступить на территорию его племени. 0 0 0

  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory. 0 0 0

  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory. 0 0 0

  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory. 0 0 0

  • The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Lizardman mystic who rules over the Delu Lizardmen with his mighty insight and wisdom. He is said to have studied directly under Hardin. In his youth, he counselled peace with the humans, but they were blindly hostile despite his peaceful efforts. He has grown angry over the years at the human stupidity, and has declared war on any and all intruders to his tribe's territory. 0 0 0

  • Lizardman mystic ruling Delu Lizardmen with superior insight and wisdom. He is known to have learned directly under Hardin. In the beginning, he considered peaceful co-existence with humans, but became angry at the stupidity of humans blindly treating them as hostile despite his continuous efforts. Now, he became a violent being who slays all the intruders in his tribe's territory.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Lizardman mystic ruling Delu Lizardmen with superior insight and wisdom. He is known to have learned directly under Hardin. In the beginning, he considered peaceful co-existence with humans, but became angry at the stupidity of humans blindly treating them as hostile despite his continuous efforts. Now, he became a violent being who slays all the intruders in his tribe's territory. 0 0 0

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