Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 40) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40)

  • Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром.
  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 40)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром.
  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром.
  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Злой дух, порожденный отчаянием, горем и яростью Богини Шилен. Хотя он и сражался с богами на стороне Шилен в Эру Мифов, будучи серьезно раненным был взят под защиту Дракона Воды. В последствии прошел слух, что его послали проповедовать о возвращении Шилен. Он служит Фафуриону, ожидая тот день, когда Шилен и Духи Зла будут вновь править миром. 0 0 0

  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again. 0 0 0

  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again. 0 0 0

  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again. 0 0 0

  • An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 An Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, woe, and rage. Although he fought in the war with the gods on the side of Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding under the protection of the Water Dragon Fafuion. Lately, he has been rumored to propagate Shilen's return. He serves Fafurion, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again. 0 0 0

  • Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, curse and rage. Although he participated in the war with the Gods on the side of Goddess Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding out under the protection of Water Dragon Fafurion. Lately, he temporarily showed up in the world for propagation. He is Fafurion's subordinate, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 40

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Evil Spirit born from Goddess Shilen's despair, curse and rage. Although he participated in the war with the Gods on the side of Goddess Shilen during the Era of Myths, he was greatly injured in the battle, and has been hiding out under the protection of Water Dragon Fafurion. Lately, he temporarily showed up in the world for propagation. He is Fafurion's subordinate, waiting for the day when Shilen and Evil Spirits dominate the world again. 0 0 0

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