Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 42) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 42)

  • Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести..
  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by M. Atk. of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 42)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести.. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести..
  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by M. Atk. of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести.. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести..
  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Нечистый Паук, когда-то живший на Пустошах, пока Белеф был свободен. Когда же он был заключен, Паук был изгнан колонией Муравьев, усиленных магической энергией Пустошей. Он был вынужден отступить, но поклялся, что однажды он их уничтожит и будет пировать на их костях. Он постепенно набирается сил и точит когти для мести.. 0 0 0

  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance. 0 0 0

  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance. 0 0 0

  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance. 0 0 0

  • A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A wicked Spider that once lived in the Wastelands while Beleth was free. After Beleth was sealed away, the Spider was chased away by a colony of Ants, empowered by the magic power of the Wastelands. The Spider was forced to retreat to this place. It swears that someday it will feed on the Ants and destroy them. It quietly grows in power while sharpening its fangs for vengeance. 0 0 0

  • The spider that used to live in the Wasteland before Beleth was sealed. After Beleth was sealed, it was driven away by Ants whose power sharply grew thanks to the magic power in the Wasteland, and had to retreat to this place now. Swearing to overthrow the Ants someday, it is quietly growing its power and sharpening its blade of revenge.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 42

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The spider that used to live in the Wasteland before Beleth was sealed. After Beleth was sealed, it was driven away by Ants whose power sharply grew thanks to the magic power in the Wasteland, and had to retreat to this place now. Swearing to overthrow the Ants someday, it is quietly growing its power and sharpening its blade of revenge. 0 0 0

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