Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 49) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 49)

  • Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Именно это уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Но он потерял своего короля и страну. Презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о дне, когда сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему.
  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage. However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 49)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Именно это уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Но он потерял своего короля и страну. Презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о дне, когда сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Именно это уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Но он потерял своего короля и страну. Презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о дне, когда сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему.
  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage. However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Именно это уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Но он потерял своего короля и страну. Презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о дне, когда сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Его мировоззрение уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Тем не менее, он потерял своего короля и свою страну. Он презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о том дне, когда он сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему..
  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage. However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Генерал Эльмора, получивший благодаря договору с Дьяволом Керноном бессмертное тело. Упрямый до глупости, он противостоял возведению Башни Дерзости. Его мировоззрение уберегло его от гнева Эйнхасад. Тем не менее, он потерял своего короля и свою страну. Он презирает тех, кто предал законного повелителя и построил собственное королевство. Как верный слуга империи, он мечтает о том дне, когда он сможет найти истинного короля и служить ему.. 0 0 0

  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king. 0 0 0

  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king. 0 0 0

  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king. 0 0 0

  • A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A General of Elmoreden who obtained an immortal body through a pact with the Devil Kernon. Stubborn to a fault, he opposed the construction of the Tower of Insolence. His stance spared him of Einhasad's rage.However, he has lost his king and country. He despises those who betrayed his king and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may once again find and serve his true king. 0 0 0

  • General of Elmoreden who earned the immortal body based on a contract with Devil Kernon. With a rigid personality, he was opposed to the constructing of the Tower of Insolence, for which he was saved from Einhasad's rage. However, he's been suffering from losing his lord and country, and despises people in this world who betrayed his lord and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may get to appear in front of his king and serve him again.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 49

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 General of Elmoreden who earned the immortal body based on a contract with Devil Kernon. With a rigid personality, he was opposed to the constructing of the Tower of Insolence, for which he was saved from Einhasad's rage. However, he's been suffering from losing his lord and country, and despises people in this world who betrayed his lord and built their own kingdom. As a loyal servant of the empire, he yearns for the day when he may get to appear in front of his king and serve him again. 0 0 0

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