Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 50) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50)

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию.
  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 50)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию.
  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию.
  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Капитан Осужденных Наемников из Грации, прозванный Повелителем Бойни. Он могущественный враг Кровавого Повелителя Нурки. Благодаря своим отличным дипломатическим способностям он подружился со многими влиятельными аристократами и должностными лицами, занимающими высокие посты. И дворяне частенько пользуются услугами его солдат, Осужденных. А в ответ Повелитель Бойни использует дворян для осуществления своего плана по возвращению на родину, в Грацию. 0 0 0

  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia. 0 0 0

  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia. 0 0 0

  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia. 0 0 0

  • The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The Captain of the Convict Mercenaries from Gracia, he is called the Lord of Slaughter. He is a powerful rival of the Bloody Lord Nurka. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established ties of friendship with many great nobles and high ranking officials. These nobles make frequent use of his troops, the Convicts, and in turn he uses the nobles to set up his plan to return to his homeland, Gracia. 0 0 0

  • Convict Mercenaries' Captain from Grecia called Lord of Slaughter. As a powerful rival and colleague of Bloody Lord Nurka, he is greatly trusted by innumerous Convicts. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established friendship with many Great Nobles and high-ranking officials. As much as these nobles are using his tribe, the Convicts, he is setting up a plan to go back to his homeland, Grecia by using them back.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Convict Mercenaries' Captain from Grecia called Lord of Slaughter. As a powerful rival and colleague of Bloody Lord Nurka, he is greatly trusted by innumerous Convicts. Given his superb diplomatic skills, he has established friendship with many Great Nobles and high-ranking officials. As much as these nobles are using his tribe, the Convicts, he is setting up a plan to go back to his homeland, Grecia by using them back. 0 0 0

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