Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 50) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50)

  • Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анаким в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха.
  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 50)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анаким в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анакима в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха.
  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анакима в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анакима в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха.
  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Эта Королева Эльфов изначально занималась обучением людей магии. Позже ее ученики предали ее и она была убита вскоре после войны с Орками. Воскрешенная Лилит, она стала правительницей Катакомб. И вновь была убита во время вторжения Анакима в свои новые владения. Но опять была возвращена к жизни – на этот раз благодаря силе Камню Печати. Повторившаяся травма сделала ее психически и умственно нестабильной, и теперь ее единственное назначение – защита Камня Печати. Она устала и страстно жаждет вечного отдыха. 0 0 0

  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest. 0 0 0

  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest. 0 0 0

  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest. 0 0 0

  • This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 50

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This Queen of the Elves first decided to teach humans magic. Later betrayed by those humans, she was murdered following the war with the Orcs. Resurrected by Lilith, she became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was slain during Anakim's invasion of the Catacomb, but again came back to life - this time thanks to the power of Seal Stone. The repeated trauma has made her mentally unstable, and her sole purpose now is the protection of the Seal Stone. She longs for eternal rest. 0 0 0

  • Queen of Elves who was wise enough to decide to teach humans magic. After the war with Orcs, she was murdered because of the humans' betrayal, but resurrected by Lilith. She then became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was knocked down by Anakim who invaded the Catacomb, but came back to life thanks to the power of Seal Stone as the Seven Signs Seal was broken. She's lost most of her rationality, and fought only to protect the Seal Stone, waiting for the time of rest.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Queen of Elves who was wise enough to decide to teach humans magic. After the war with Orcs, she was murdered because of the humans' betrayal, but resurrected by Lilith. She then became the ruler of the Catacomb. She was knocked down by Anakim who invaded the Catacomb, but came back to life thanks to the power of Seal Stone as the Seven Signs Seal was broken. She's lost most of her rationality, and fought only to protect the Seal Stone, waiting for the time of rest. 0 0 0

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