Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 54) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 54)

  • Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру.
  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Lesser Giants. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 54)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру.
  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Lesser Giants. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру.
  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Единорог, бесцельно шатающийся по миру с тех пор, как Эра Мифов кончилась вместе с терпением богини Эйнхасад, обрушившей свой гнев на Титанов. Предводитель единорогов потерял своих сородичей. Не смотря на то, что он отчаянно ищет своих братьев, сотни лет прошли с тех пор, как он от них отделился. Странствуя в одиночестве, единорог так и не смог приспособиться к человеческому миру. 0 0 0

  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world. 0 0 0

  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world. 0 0 0

  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world. 0 0 0

  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 54

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world. 0 0 0

  • A unicorn aimlessly drifting along after losing its nest since the Era of Myths that ended upon rage against Einhasad's Titan. The unicorns are searching for their lost homeland. The leader of the unicorns has lost its group while roaming about from place to place, and been alienated. Although it is still desperately looking for its group, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from its group. Being alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A unicorn aimlessly drifting along after losing its nest since the Era of Myths that ended upon rage against Einhasad's Titan. The unicorns are searching for their lost homeland. The leader of the unicorns has lost its group while roaming about from place to place, and been alienated. Although it is still desperately looking for its group, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from its group. Being alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world. 0 0 0

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