Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 55) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 55)

  • Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад.
  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 55)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад.
  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад.
  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Храбрый Осужденный Солдат, которому Эйнхасад приказала помогать своей дочери Анаким после ее участия в сражении с Лилимом, для чего он был облачен в могущественную золотую броню. Предполагают, что именно он создатель известного в настоящее время Платинового Племени. Этот доблестный защитник Анаким во многих битвах в конце концов был убит в Катакомбах Отступников. Когда Печать Семи Знаков была разбита, он был воскрешен освобожденной силой Богини Эйнхасад. 0 0 0

  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone. 0 0 0

  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone. 0 0 0

  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone. 0 0 0

  • This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 55

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 This brave Convict Soldier was dispatched by Einhasad to help her daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. He was given powerful golden armor and may be the ancestor of today's Platinum Tribe. He valiantly protected Anakim during many battles before finally being slain in the Catacomb of the Apostate. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he was resurrected thanks to the power of Einhasad released in the Seal Stone. 0 0 0

  • Convict Soldier sent by Einhasad for his daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. The most brave Convict at the time was called in and given the golden armor with the strong power. He may be the beginning of the Platinum Tribe of today. He always assisted Anakim by her side during the battles, but eventually got killed by a heathen in the Catacomb. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he woke up again after feeling the power of Einhasad that was sleeping in the Seal Stone.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Convict Soldier sent by Einhasad for his daughter, Anakim, after watching her struggle at the battle with Lilim. The most brave Convict at the time was called in and given the golden armor with the strong power. He may be the beginning of the Platinum Tribe of today. He always assisted Anakim by her side during the battles, but eventually got killed by a heathen in the Catacomb. When the Seal of the Seven Signs was broken, he woke up again after feeling the power of Einhasad that was sleeping in the Seal Stone. 0 0 0

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