Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 60) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60)

  • Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Но когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость бездействия и потеряла рассудок. Теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора.
  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 60)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Но когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость бездействия и потеряла рассудок. Теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Но когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость бездействия и потеряла рассудок. Теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора.
  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Но когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость бездействия и потеряла рассудок. Теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Тем не менее, когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость своего бездействия и потеряла рассудок. И теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора.
  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Деревенская колдунья, ставшая свидетелем того, как воины Эльмора отравили колодец, и закрывшая на это глаза из страха за собственную жизнь. Тем не менее, когда жители деревни стали умирать один за другим, она осознала всю мерзость своего бездействия и потеряла рассудок. И теперь она бродит около отравленного колодца и атакует всех, кто подходит к нему, принимая их за солдат Эльмора. 0 0 0

  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers. 0 0 0

  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers. 0 0 0

  • A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A shaman of the village, she witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of her life. But when she saw the villagers die one by one, she realized what she had done and lost her mind. She still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers. 0 0 0

  • A shaman of the village, he witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of his life. But when he saw the villagers die one by one, he realized what he had done and lost his mind. He still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A shaman of the village, he witnessed Elmore invaders poisoning the well and looked the other way in fear of his life. But when he saw the villagers die one by one, he realized what he had done and lost his mind. He still wanders near the cursed well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers. 0 0 0

  • Originally, he was a Shaman of the village, but looked the other way due to threats after witnessing Elmore invaders put poison in the well. Watching the villagers die one by one, he realized what he'd done and became crazy. He still appears around the well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 63

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Originally, he was a Shaman of the village, but looked the other way due to threats after witnessing Elmore invaders put poison in the well. Watching the villagers die one by one, he realized what he'd done and became crazy. He still appears around the well, and recklessly attacks anyone who comes close, thinking that they are Elmore soldiers. 0 0 0

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Skillraid 0.jpg Raid Boss - Level 23 (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 23)
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