Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 60) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60)

  • Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов.
  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth' eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Lesser Giant, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Lesser Giant that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Lesser Giants fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 60)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов.
  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Lesser Giant, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Lesser Giant that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Lesser Giants fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов.
  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Неисправное оружие, созданное мистиками Башни Слоновой Кости, напуганными возможностью воскрешения Дьявола Белефа. Оно не стало подчиняться командам своих создателей и в итоге покинуло Башню. Сделанное похожим на Титанов, оно искало подобных себе долгие годы, исследуя останки цивилизации древних Гигантов. В конце концов оно пришел к выводу, что является единственным истинным Титаном, пережившим катастрофу, и теперь жаждет отомстить богам, повергшим Титанов. 0 0 0

  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall. 0 0 0

  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall. 0 0 0

  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall. 0 0 0

  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 60

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower, frightened of the Devil Beleth's eventual resurrection. Although modeled after a Titan, he did not follow his creator's commands, and eventually escaped the tower. He searched for a creature similar to himself for years, investigating relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He dreams of revenge on the gods who made the Titans fall. 0 0 0

  • A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower for fear of Devil Beleth's resurrection. Although he was modeled after a Titan's looks, he didn't even follow the creator's command, acted in his own way and eventually escaped the tower. While looking for a life form similar to himself for a long time, he discovered and investigated relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He is dreaming about his revenge on the Gods who made the Titans fall.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A failed weapon created by mystics of the Ivory Tower for fear of Devil Beleth's resurrection. Although he was modeled after a Titan's looks, he didn't even follow the creator's command, acted in his own way and eventually escaped the tower. While looking for a life form similar to himself for a long time, he discovered and investigated relics of the ancient Giants, and concluded that he was the only true Titan that survived the disaster in the past. He is dreaming about his revenge on the Gods who made the Titans fall. 0 0 0

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