Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 70) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 70)

  • Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена.
  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 70)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена.
  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена.
  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Дрейк, бывший стражником Адена в древние времена, но превратившийся в дьявола возмездия после того, как жадный охотник убил его детеныша. Он оставил Долину Драконов и ушел бродить по близлежащим территориям около Замка Аден, убивая бесчисленное число деревенских жителей. Священников, пришедших охладить его гнев, постигла та же участь. После чего все благие свершения стерлись из хроник Имперским Указом, и теперь этот дрейк известен не иначе, как Несчастье Адена. 0 0 0

  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden. 0 0 0

  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden. 0 0 0

  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden. 0 0 0

  • A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 70

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 A drake that used to be a guardian of Aden in ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. He has left Dragon Valley to roam the territories near Aden Castle, and killed countless villagers. He also killed the priests who came to calm his rage. All of his good deeds have been erased from the chronicles by Imperial command, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden. 0 0 0

  • Drake that used to be a guardian of Aden Territory since ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. Getting out of the Dragon Valley where he used to live, he has wandered about in territories near Aden Castle, and killed innumerous civilians. He also killed all the priests who came to calm his rage down, becoming the horror of all Aden residents. All of his good work done by Imperial command has been erased in history, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden only.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Drake that used to be a guardian of Aden Territory since ancient times, but turned into a devil of revenge after losing his child to a greedy hunter. Getting out of the Dragon Valley where he used to live, he has wandered about in territories near Aden Castle, and killed innumerous civilians. He also killed all the priests who came to calm his rage down, becoming the horror of all Aden residents. All of his good work done by Imperial command has been erased in history, and he is now called the Disaster of Aden only. 0 0 0

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