Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 73) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 73)

  • Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа.
  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 73)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа.
  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа.
  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Предводитель дьяволов, желающих захватить Башню Дерзости. Старается обрести тайное знание, скрытое в Башне, и использовать ее в качестве плацдарма для расширения сферы влияния дьяволов. Но он потратил слишком много сил, стараясь сломать печать Башни. Ему противостоят ангелы и Платиновое племя, защищающее Башню Дерзости под руководством самой Эйнхасад. У дьявола три верных помощника: Кернон, Рахха и Верфа. 0 0 0

  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa. 0 0 0

  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa. 0 0 0

  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa. 0 0 0

  • The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 73

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 The leader of the devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. He strives to obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils. But he expended too much power trying to break a seal of the Tower, and is now weak. He is enemies with the angels and the Platinum tribe protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad. He has three loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha, and Verfa. 0 0 0

  • Leader of devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. To obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils, he is aiming at the Tower of Insolence. To break a seal of the Tower of Insolence, he spent too much power, and became weak at the moment. He has a hostile relationship with angels protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad and the Platinum Tribe working for the angels. He has 3 loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha and Verfa.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Leader of devils trying to occupy the Tower of Insolence. To obtain the secret knowledge hidden in the Tower of Insolence and use it as a bridgehead to expand the power of devils, he is aiming at the Tower of Insolence. To break a seal of the Tower of Insolence, he spent too much power, and became weak at the moment. He has a hostile relationship with angels protecting the Tower of Insolence at the command of Einhasad and the Platinum Tribe working for the angels. He has 3 loyal subordinates: Kernon, Rahha and Verfa. 0 0 0

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