Умение Raid Boss (Lv. 80) (Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 80)

  • Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение.
  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess' resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss (Lv. 80)
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение.
  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess' resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения Откат MP HP

1 Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение. 0 0 с. 0 0

  • Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение.
  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80
Рейдовый Босс - Уровень 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Священная Мать Тьмы, Лилит управляет Некрополем и ждет воскрешения Шилен, которой она начала служить в качестве Оракула Первого Титана. В то время Шилен все еще являлась Богиней Воды. В последствии Лилит была назначена ответственной за приготовления к воскрешению Шилен после ее падения. Обладающая новым телом и возможностями, Лилит тайно разожгла множество конфликтов между людьми и эльфами. Она воскрешала погибших в битвах, чтобы пополнить свою армию оживших мертвецов. Безоговорочно верная Шилен, Лилит сделает все, чтобы ускорить ее возвращение. 0 0 0

  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return. 0 0 0

  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return. 0 0 0

  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80
Тип:Пассивный: Способности

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return. 0 0 0

  • Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level 80

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Known as the Holy Mother of Darkness, Lilith rules Necropolis and awaits Shilen's resurrection. She began serving Shilen as the First Titan's oracle, when Shilen was still the Goddess of Water. After Shilen's fall, she was left behind and ordered to prepare for the goddess's resurrection. Armed with a new, powerful body, Lilith has secretly instigated many conflicts between humans and Elves. She resurrects those who died in battle to serve as her undead army. Completely loyal to Shilen, she will do anything to hasten her return. 0 0 0

  • Owner of Necropolis called Holy Mother of Darkness waiting for Shilen's resurrection. She used to be First Titan's oracle who served the Goddess of Water Shilen. After Shilen's fall, she was ordered to prepare for Shilen's resurrection and left on earth when the goddess hid herself inside of death created by the goddess. She received a new body, secretly instigated humans and Elves, caused so many wars, and resurrected those who died at the battlefields to make her soldiers. She is Shilen's loyal servant who would do anything to resurrect Shilen.
Skillraid 0.jpgRaid Boss - Level

Ур. Описание Время чтения MP HP

1 Owner of Necropolis called Holy Mother of Darkness waiting for Shilen's resurrection. She used to be First Titan's oracle who served the Goddess of Water Shilen. After Shilen's fall, she was ordered to prepare for Shilen's resurrection and left on earth when the goddess hid herself inside of death created by the goddess. She received a new body, secretly instigated humans and Elves, caused so many wars, and resurrected those who died at the battlefields to make her soldiers. She is Shilen's loyal servant who would do anything to resurrect Shilen. 0 0 0

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