Scent of Exorcism (Бальзам Изгнания Демонов)

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpg Scent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif
Бальзам Изгнания Демонов
Тип:Эликсир (Elixir)

Бальзам Изгнания Демонов

  • Бальзам, используемый в древней Грации для лечения одержимых. Быстро нейтрализует действие сильных ядов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Scent of Exorcism

  • Ancient Gracian scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful Poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpg Scent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif
Бальзам Изгнания Демонов
Тип:Эликсир (Elixir)

Бальзам Изгнания Демонов

  • Бальзам, используемый в древней Грации для лечения одержимых. Быстро нейтрализует действие сильных ядов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Scent of Exorcism

  • Ancient Gracian scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful Poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpgScent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif
Бальзам Изгнания Демонов
Тип:Эликсир (Elixir)

Бальзам Изгнания Демонов

  • Бальзам, используемый в древней Грации для лечения одержимых. Быстро нейтрализует действие сильных ядов. Можно использовать только в подземелье Семени Бессмертия.

Scent of Exorcism

  • An ancient Gracian scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

축귀의 향

  • 귀신 들린 사람을 치유하는 데 사용된 고대 그레시아의 향. 불멸의 씨앗 내 몬스터들이 유발하는 강력한 독을 최대 효력 8까지 중화시켜 준다. 불멸의 씨앗 인스턴트 던전 내에서만 사용 가능.

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpgScent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif

Scent of Exorcism

  • An ancient Gracia scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpgScent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif

Scent of Exorcism

  • An ancient Gracia scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Infinity. Can be used only inside Seed of Infinity instant dungeons.

Etc holy grail i00 0.jpgScent of Exorcism Item grade NG.gif

Scent of Exorcism

  • An ancient Gracia scent used to cure people who are possessed by ghosts. It neutralizes the powerful poison up to the maximum effect 8 caused by the monsters inside Seed of Immortality. Can be used only inside Seed of Immortality instant dungeons.

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