Scepter of Judgment (Символ Правосудия)

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpg Scepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Символ Правосудия
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Символ Правосудия

  • Статуэтка, дарованная Императору древней империи Эльмореден Шунайману богиней света. Символ императорской власти.

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpg Scepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Символ Правосудия
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Символ Правосудия

  • Статуэтка, дарованная Императору древней империи Эльмореден Шунайману богиней света. Символ императорской власти.

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Символ Правосудия
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Символ Правосудия

  • Статуэтка, дарованная Императору древней империи Эльмореден Шунайману богиней света. Символ императорской власти.

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

심판의 옥새

  • 고대 엘모아덴 제국의 초대황제 슈나이만이 빛의 신에게 하사 받았다는 옥새. 황제의 지배권을 상징하는 증표.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

Etc royal seal of lord i04 0.jpgScepter of Judgment Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Scepter of Judgment

  • Scepter bestowed on Founding Emperor Shunaiman of the ancient Elmoreden Empire by the god of light. Certificate representing the emperor's authority.

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