Shiny Fish Gem (Самоцвет Блестящей Рыбки)
Самоцвет Блестящей Рыбки
- Может быть использован в обычном производстве или обменян на Доказательство о Ловле Рыбы у Члена Гильдии Рыбаков. Можно продать в Торговой Лавке.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general workshop or can be exchanged for a Mark of Fishing by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Самоцвет Блестящей Рыбки
- Может быть использован в обычном производстве или обменян на Доказательство о Ловле Рыбы у Члена Гильдии Рыбаков. Можно продать в Торговой Лавке.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Самоцвет Блестящей Рыбки
- Может быть использован в обычном производстве или обменян на Доказательство о Ловле Рыбы у Члена Гильдии Рыбаков. Можно продать в Торговой Лавке.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
반짝이는 물고기 보석
- 일반 제작을 위한 재료로 사용되거나, 낚시 조합원에게 가져가면 어획의 증표로 교환할 수 있다. 일반 상점에도 팔 수 있다.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Shiny Fish Gem
- Used as an ingredient for general manufacture or can be exchanged for a Proof of Catching a Fish by a Fishing Guild Member. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
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![]() | Fish Gem (Самоцвет Рыбки) |
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