Flame Spirit (Дух Пламени)

Etc bead red i00 0.jpg Flame Spirit Item grade NG.gif
Дух Пламени
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Дух Пламени

  • Доказательство познания Духа Огня. Для получения следующего задания отнесите его Гаури Мерцающей Скале в Деревню Гномов.

Flame Spirit

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the Flame Spirit. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpg Spirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Дух Пламени
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Дух Пламени

  • Доказательство познания Духа Огня. Для получения следующего задания отнесите его Гаури Мерцающей Скале в Деревню Гномов.

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Дух Пламени
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Дух Пламени

  • Доказательство познания Духа Огня. Для получения следующего задания отнесите его Гаури Мерцающей Скале в Деревню Гномов.

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

불꽃의 마음

  • 불의 마음을 이해했다는 증거. 시련의 다음 단계를 수행하기 위해 드워프 마을의 가우리 트윈클록을 찾아가라.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

Etc bead red i00 0.jpgSpirit of Flame Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Spirit of Flame

  • Proof that you have an understanding of the spirit of flame. In order to carry out the next stage of this trial, go see Gauri Twinklerock of Dwarven Village.

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Источник — «https://linedia.ru/wiki/Spirit_of_Flame»

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