Swordsinger (Менестрель)

Swordsinger — вторая профессия воина эльфийской расы с 40-го по 76-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Elven Knight, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Challenger, Testimony of Life и Test of the Duelist или альтернативный квест Good Work's Reward.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Sword Muse.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Interlude.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.16 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 252. Активный 18 0 16000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.17 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 259. Активный 18 0 16000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.18 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 266. Активный 18 0 16000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.19 Regenerates one's HP. Power 236. Активный 115 0 16000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.20 Regenerates one's HP. Power 245. Активный 119 0 16000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.21 Regenerates one's HP. Power 254. Активный 122 0 16000
Skill0021 0.jpg Poison Recovery Ур.2 Self-cures poison. Effect less than 7. Активный 35 0 49000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.2 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 18 0 49000
Skill0267 0.jpg Song of Warding Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' M. Def. When singing continuously, additional MP is consumed. Активный 60 0 49000
Skill0123 0.jpg Spirit Barrier Ур.1 Temporarily increases M. Def. Effect 1. Активный 18 0 49000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.15 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.16 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.17 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 16000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.19 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 272. Активный 19 0 19000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.20 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 279. Активный 19 0 19000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.21 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 286. Активный 19 0 19000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.22 Regenerates one's HP. Power 262. Активный 122 0 19000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.23 Regenerates one's HP. Power 271. Активный 127 0 19000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.24 Regenerates one's HP. Power 281. Активный 130 0 19000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.3 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 19 0 58000
Skill0270 0.jpg Song of Invocation Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' resistance to dark magic attacks. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 58000
Skill0196 0.jpg Holy Blade Ур.1 Ability to attack with sacred power. Аура 8 0 58000
Skill0191 0.jpg Focus Mind Ур.2 Increases MP regeneration. Пассивный 0 0 58000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.18 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 19000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.19 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 19000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.20 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 19000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 19000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 19000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 19000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.22 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 293. Активный 20 0 29000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.23 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 300. Активный 20 0 29000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.24 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 307. Активный 22 0 29000
Skill0061 0.jpg Cure Bleeding Ур.2 Heals one's wounds. Effect less than 7 Активный 42 0 86000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.25 Regenerates one's HP. Power 290. Активный 134 0 29000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.26 Regenerates one's HP. Power 299. Активный 139 0 29000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.27 Regenerates one's HP. Power 308. Активный 143 0 29000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.4 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 22 0 86000
Skill0268 0.jpg Song of Wind Ур.1 Temporarily increases party's movement. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 86000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.21 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 29000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.22 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 29000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.23 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 29000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 29000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 29000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 29000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.25 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 313. Активный 22 0 41000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.26 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 320. Активный 23 0 41000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.27 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 327. Активный 23 0 41000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.28 Regenerates one's HP. Power 318. Активный 148 0 41000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.29 Regenerates one's HP. Power 327. Активный 152 0 41000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.30 Regenerates one's HP. Power 337. Активный 157 0 41000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.5 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 23 0 123000
Skill0269 0.jpg Song of Hunter Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' critical rate. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 123000
Skill0123 0.jpg Spirit Barrier Ур.2 Temporarily increases M. Def. Effect 2. Активный 23 0 123000
Skill0191 0.jpg Focus Mind Ур.3 Increases MP regeneration. Пассивный 0 0 123000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.24 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.25 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.26 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 41000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.28 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 334. Активный 23 0 71000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.29 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 340. Активный 24 0 71000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.30 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 347. Активный 24 0 71000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.31 Regenerates one's HP. Power 346. Активный 159 0 71000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.32 Regenerates one's HP. Power 356. Активный 159 0 71000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.33 Regenerates one's HP. Power 365. Активный 164 0 71000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.6 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 24 0 214000
Skill0265 0.jpg Song of Life Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' HP regeneration. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 214000
Skill0230 0.jpg Sprint Ур.2 Temporarily increases Speed. Effect 2. Активный 24 0 214000
Skill1405 0.jpg Divine Inspiration Ур.1 Increases the number of buffs you can receive. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.27 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.28 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.29 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 71000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.31 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 353. Активный 25 0 73000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.32 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 360. Активный 25 0 73000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.33 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 366. Активный 25 0 73000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.34 Regenerates one's HP. Power 375. Активный 168 0 73000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.35 Regenerates one's HP. Power 384. Активный 173 0 73000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.36 Regenerates one's HP. Power 393. Активный 177 0 73000
Skill0098 0.jpg Sword Symphony Ур.1 Used to inflict damage to surrounding enemies while fleeing. Активный 120 0 220000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.1 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 25 0 220000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.7 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 25 0 220000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.1 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 229. Effect 1. Активный 83 0 220000
Skill0264 0.jpg Song of Earth Ур.1 Temporarily increases P. Def. of party members. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 220000
Skill0191 0.jpg Focus Mind Ур.4 Increases MP regeneration. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.30 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 73000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.31 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 73000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.32 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 73000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 73000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 73000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 73000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.34 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 373. Активный 27 0 89000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.35 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 379. Активный 27 0 89000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.36 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 385. Активный 28 0 89000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.37 Regenerates one's HP. Power 403. Активный 180 0 89000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.38 Regenerates one's HP. Power 412. Активный 185 0 89000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.39 Regenerates one's HP. Power 421. Активный 189 0 89000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.2 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 27 0 267000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.8 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 28 0 267000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.2 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 262. Effect 1. Активный 88 0 267000
Skill0266 0.jpg Song of Water Ур.1 Temporarily increases party's Evasion. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 267000
Skill0123 0.jpg Spirit Barrier Ур.3 Temporarily increases M. Def. Effect 3. Активный 28 0 267000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.33 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.34 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.35 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 89000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 89000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.37 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 391. Активный 28 0 161000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.38 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 396. Активный 28 0 161000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.40 Regenerates one's HP. Power 430. Активный 193 0 161000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.41 Regenerates one's HP. Power 439. Активный 195 0 161000
Skill0021 0.jpg Poison Recovery Ур.3 Self-cures poison. Effect less than 9. Активный 55 0 322000
Skill0098 0.jpg Sword Symphony Ур.2 Used to inflict damage to surrounding enemies while fleeing. Активный 133 0 322000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.3 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 28 0 322000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.9 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 28 0 322000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.3 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 284. Effect 1. Активный 92 0 322000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.36 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 161000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.37 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 161000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 161000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 161000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.39 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 402. Активный 29 0 220000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.40 Reduces opponent's desire to attack. Power 407. Активный 29 0 220000
Skill0061 0.jpg Cure Bleeding Ур.3 Heals one's wounds. Effect less than 9. Активный 55 0 440000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.42 Regenerates one's HP. Power 448. Активный 195 0 220000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.43 Regenerates one's HP. Power 457. Активный 199 0 220000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.4 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 29 0 440000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.10 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 29 0 440000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.4 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 308. Effect 2. Активный 95 0 440000
Skill0306 0.jpg Song of Flame Guard Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' resistance to attacks by fire. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 440000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.38 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.39 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 220000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.41 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 413. Активный 30 0 270000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.42 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 418. Активный 30 0 270000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.44 Regenerates one's HP. Power 466. Активный 203 0 270000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.45 Regenerates one's HP. Power 474. Активный 207 0 270000
Skill0098 0.jpg Sword Symphony Ур.3 Used to inflict damage to surrounding enemies while fleeing. Активный 142 0 530000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.5 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 30 0 530000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.11 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 30 0 530000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.5 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 332. Effect 2. Активный 98 0 530000
Skill0191 0.jpg Focus Mind Ур.5 Increases MP regeneration. Пассивный 0 0 530000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.40 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 270000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.41 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 270000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 270000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 270000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.43 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 423. Активный 30 0 440000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.44 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 428. Активный 32 0 440000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.46 Regenerates one's HP. Power 482. Активный 210 0 440000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.47 Regenerates one's HP. Power 490. Активный 214 0 440000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.6 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 31 0 880000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.12 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 32 0 880000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.6 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 357. Effect 3. Активный 101 0 880000
Skill0304 0.jpg Song of Vitality Ур.1 Instantly increases party members' maximum HP. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 880000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.42 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 440000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.43 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 440000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 440000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 440000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.45 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 432. Активный 32 0 490000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.46 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 437. Активный 33 0 490000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.48 Regenerates one's HP. Power 498. Активный 218 0 490000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.49 Regenerates one's HP. Power 506. Активный 222 0 490000
Skill0098 0.jpg Sword Symphony Ур.4 Used to inflict damage to surrounding enemies while fleeing. Активный 152 0 980000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.7 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 32 0 980000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.13 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 33 0 980000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.7 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 382. Effect 3. Активный 105 0 980000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.44 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 490000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.45 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 490000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 490000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 490000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.47 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 441. Активный 33 0 580000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.48 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 445. Активный 33 0 580000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.50 Regenerates one's HP. Power 513. Активный 224 0 580000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.51 Regenerates one's HP. Power 520. Активный 228 0 580000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.8 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 33 0 1160000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.14 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 33 0 1160000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.8 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 407. Effect 4. Активный 108 0 1160000
Skill0308 0.jpg Song of Storm Guard Ур.1 Temporarily increases party members' resistance to attacks by wind. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 1160000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.46 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.47 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 580000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 580000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.49 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 449. Активный 34 0 670000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.50 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 452. Активный 34 0 670000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.52 Regenerates one's HP. Power 527. Активный 230 0 670000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.53 Regenerates one's HP. Power 534. Активный 233 0 670000
Skill0098 0.jpg Sword Symphony Ур.5 Used to inflict damage to surrounding enemies while fleeing. Активный 160 0 1330000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.9 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 34 0 1330000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.15 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 34 0 1330000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.9 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 432. Effect 4. Активный 111 0 1330000
Skill0191 0.jpg Focus Mind Ур.6 Increases MP regeneration. Пассивный 0 0 1330000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.48 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 670000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.49 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 670000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 670000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.43 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 670000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.51 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 455. Активный 34 0 1630000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.52 Diminishes the enemy's desire to attack. Power 458. Активный 35 0 1630000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.54 Regenerates one's HP. Power 540. Активный 237 0 1630000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.55 Regenerates one's HP. Power 546. Активный 239 0 1630000
Skill0402 0.jpg Arrest Ур.10 Provokes an enemy to attack and then temporarily puts them into a held state. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Активный 34 0 3250000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.16 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 3. Активный 35 0 3250000
Skill0407 0.jpg Psycho Symphony Ур.10 Instantly reduces the Speed, Atk. Spd., and Casting Spd. of all nearby enemies. Power 457. Effect 5. Активный 113 0 3250000
Skill0305 0.jpg Song of Vengeance Ур.1 Temporarily reflects damage received by party members back upon the enemy. Excludes damage received from skill or remote attack. Continuous singing consumes additional MP. Активный 60 0 3250000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.50 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 1630000
Skill0147 0.jpg Magic Resistance Ур.51 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 1630000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.44 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 1630000
Skill0217 0.jpg Sword Blunt Mastery Ур.45 Increases P. Atk. when using a sword or blunt weapon. Пассивный 0 0 1630000

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