Talisman - Kadesh (Амулет Кадеша)

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpg Talisman - Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Амулет Кадеша
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Амулет Кадеша

  • Странный Амулет, полученный после убийства Кадеша. Отнесите его к Снайперу Хамилю в Флоран.

Talisman - Kadesh

  • Strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpg Talisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Амулет Кадеша
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Амулет Кадеша

  • Странный Амулет, полученный после убийства Кадеша. Отнесите его к Снайперу Хамилю в Флоран.

Talisman of Kadesh

  • Strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Талисман Кадеша
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Талисман Кадеша

  • Странный талисман, полученный после убийства Кадеша. Отнесите его к Снайперу Хамилю в Флоран.

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

카데쉬의 부적

  • 사령 카데쉬를 죽이고 얻은 이상한 부적. 플로란 마을의 사지타리우스 하밀에게 가져가라.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

Accessary red cresent earing i00 0.jpgTalisman of Kadesh Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Talisman of Kadesh

  • A strange talisman obtained after slaying Kadesh. Take this to Sagittarius Hamil of the Village of Floran.

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