Bishop (Епископ)

Bishop — вторая профессия мага человеческой расы с 40-го по 76-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Cleric, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Pilgrim, Testimony of Trust и Test of the Healer.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Cardinal.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Chronicle 4.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.1 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 371. Активный 87 0 12000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.2 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 384. Активный 90 0 12000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.3 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 398. Активный 92 0 12000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.1 Restores party members' HP. Power 297. Активный 115 0 12000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.2 Restores party members' HP. Power 308. Активный 119 0 12000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.3 Restores party members' HP. Power 319. Активный 122 0 12000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.1 Restores HP. Power 371. Активный 58 0 12000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.2 Restores HP. Power 384. Активный 60 0 12000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.3 Restores HP. Power 398. Активный 62 0 12000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.1 Resurrects dead alliance members. Активный 243 0 36000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.1 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 39. Активный 34 0 18000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.2 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 42. Активный 35 0 18000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.2 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 35 0 36000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.3 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 30% of Exp. Активный 122 0 36000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.1 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 53 0 36000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.10 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 34 0 12000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.11 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 34 0 12000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.12 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 35 0 12000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.13 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.14 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.15 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.3 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0228 0.jpg Fast Spell Casting Ур.2 Spell casting speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 36000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 12000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 12000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.5 Creates level 5 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.4 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 426. Активный 95 0 14000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.5 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 441. Активный 98 0 14000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.6 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 455. Активный 102 0 14000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.4 Restores party members' HP. Power 341. Активный 127 0 14000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.5 Restores party members' HP. Power 353. Активный 130 0 14000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.6 Restores party members' HP. Power 364. Активный 134 0 14000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.4 Restores HP. Power 426. Активный 64 0 14000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.5 Restores HP. Power 441. Активный 65 0 14000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.6 Restores HP. Power 455. Активный 68 0 14000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.2 Resurrects dead alliance members and restores about 20% of their Exp. Активный 268 0 41000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.3 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 44. Активный 38 0 21000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.4 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 47. Активный 39 0 21000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.3 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 39 0 41000
Skill1018 0.jpg Purify Ур.1 Heals paralysis, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with the effect of 3 or less. Активный 39 0 41000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.1 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 59 0 41000
Skill1258 0.jpg Restore Life Ур.1 Recovers HP by 15%. Активный 80 0 41000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.2 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 59 0 41000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.13 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 38 0 14000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.14 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 38 0 14000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.15 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 39 0 14000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.16 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.17 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.18 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.2 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.3 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 41000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 14000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 14000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.7 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 484. Активный 108 0 22000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.8 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 499. Активный 110 0 22000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.9 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 514. Активный 114 0 22000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.7 Restores party members' HP. Power 388. Активный 143 0 22000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.8 Restores party members' HP. Power 399. Активный 148 0 22000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.9 Restores party members' HP. Power 411. Активный 152 0 22000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.7 Restores HP. Power 484. Активный 72 0 22000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.8 Restores HP. Power 499. Активный 74 0 22000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.9 Restores HP. Power 514. Активный 77 0 22000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.5 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 49. Активный 42 0 33000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.6 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 52. Активный 44 0 33000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.4 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 44 0 67000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.2 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 65 0 67000
Skill1258 0.jpg Restore Life Ур.2 Recovers HP by 20%. Активный 107 0 67000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.4 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 40% of Exp. Активный 152 0 67000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.1 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 440. Активный 87 0 22000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.2 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 454. Активный 89 0 22000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.3 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 467. Активный 92 0 22000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.1 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 1. Активный 342 0 63000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.1 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 129 0 67000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.3 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 65 0 67000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.16 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 42 0 22000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.17 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 43 0 22000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.18 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 44 0 22000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.19 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.20 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.21 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.4 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 67000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0164 0.jpg Quick Recovery Ур.3 Time between magic reuse shortens. Пассивный 0 0 67000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 22000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 22000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.6 Creates level 6 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.10 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 544. Активный 120 0 32000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.11 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 559. Активный 121 0 32000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.12 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 574. Активный 123 0 32000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.10 Restores party members' HP. Power 435. Активный 159 0 32000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.11 Restores party members' HP. Power 447. Активный 159 0 32000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.12 Restores party members' HP. Power 459. Активный 164 0 32000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.10 Restores HP. Power 544. Активный 80 0 32000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.11 Restores HP. Power 559. Активный 80 0 32000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.12 Restores HP. Power 574. Активный 83 0 32000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.3 Resurrects dead alliance members and restores about 30% of their Exp. Активный 327 0 95000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.7 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 55. Активный 45 0 47000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.8 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 57. Активный 48 0 47000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.5 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 48 0 95000
Skill1018 0.jpg Purify Ур.2 Heals paralysis, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with the effect of 7 or less. Активный 48 0 95000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.3 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 70 0 95000
Skill1258 0.jpg Restore Life Ур.3 Recovers HP by 25%. Активный 133 0 95000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.4 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 494. Активный 97 0 32000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.5 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 3 or less. Power 508. Активный 97 0 32000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.6 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 521. Активный 99 0 32000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.2 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 140 0 95000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.4 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 70 0 95000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.19 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 45 0 32000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.20 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 47 0 32000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.21 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 48 0 32000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.22 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.23 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.24 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.3 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 95000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.4 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 95000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 32000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 32000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.7 Creates level 7 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.13 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 603. Активный 129 0 35000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.14 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 618. Активный 133 0 35000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.15 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 633. Активный 135 0 35000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.13 Restores party members' HP. Power 483. Активный 173 0 35000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.14 Restores party members' HP. Power 495. Активный 177 0 35000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.15 Restores party members' HP. Power 506. Активный 180 0 35000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.13 Restores HP. Power 603. Активный 87 0 35000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.14 Restores HP. Power 618. Активный 89 0 35000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.15 Restores HP. Power 633. Активный 90 0 35000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.4 Resurrects dead alliance members and restores about 40% of their Exp. Активный 360 0 110000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.9 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 60. Активный 49 0 53000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.10 Inflicts damage to undead monsters. Power 63. Активный 52 0 53000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.6 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 52 0 110000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.4 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 77 0 110000
Skill1258 0.jpg Restore Life Ур.4 Recovers HP by 30%. Активный 159 0 110000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.5 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 50% of Exp. Активный 180 0 110000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.7 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 548. Активный 104 0 35000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.8 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 562. Активный 107 0 35000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.9 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 575. Активный 109 0 35000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.2 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 2. Активный 408 0 100000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.3 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 153 0 110000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.5 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 77 0 110000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.22 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 49 0 35000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.23 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 50 0 35000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.24 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 52 0 35000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.25 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.26 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.27 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.5 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0228 0.jpg Fast Spell Casting Ур.3 Spell casting speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 35000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 35000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1012 0.jpg Cure Poison Ур.3 Cures poisoning up to Effect 9. Активный 55 0 130000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.16 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 647. Активный 139 0 65000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.17 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 662. Активный 142 0 65000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.16 Restores party members' HP. Power 518. Активный 185 0 65000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.17 Restores party members' HP. Power 529. Активный 189 0 65000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.16 Restores HP. Power 647. Активный 93 0 65000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.17 Restores HP. Power 662. Активный 95 0 65000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.5 Resurrects dead alliance members and restores about 50% of their Exp. Активный 377 0 130000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.11 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 66. Активный 54 0 130000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.7 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 54 0 130000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.5 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 80 0 130000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.10 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 588. Активный 112 0 65000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.11 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 602. Активный 114 0 65000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.4 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 159 0 130000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.6 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 80 0 130000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.25 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 53 0 65000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.26 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 54 0 65000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.28 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.29 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.4 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 65000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 65000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.18 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 676. Активный 145 0 88000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.19 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 690. Активный 147 0 88000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.18 Restores party members' HP. Power 541. Активный 193 0 88000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.19 Restores party members' HP. Power 552. Активный 195 0 88000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.18 Restores HP. Power 676. Активный 97 0 88000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.19 Restores HP. Power 690. Активный 98 0 88000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.12 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 68. Активный 55 0 180000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.8 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 55 0 180000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.6 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 83 0 180000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.6 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 55% of Exp. Активный 195 0 180000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.12 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 615. Активный 117 0 88000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.13 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 627. Активный 118 0 88000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.3 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 3. Активный 440 0 170000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.5 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 165 0 180000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.7 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 83 0 180000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.27 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 55 0 88000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.28 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 55 0 88000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.30 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.31 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.6 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.5 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 88000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 88000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.20 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 704. Активный 147 0 130000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.21 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 718. Активный 150 0 130000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.20 Restores party members' HP. Power 563. Активный 195 0 130000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.21 Restores party members' HP. Power 574. Активный 199 0 130000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.20 Restores HP. Power 704. Активный 98 0 130000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.21 Restores HP. Power 718. Активный 100 0 130000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.13 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 71. Активный 58 0 270000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.9 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 58 0 270000
Skill1018 0.jpg Purify Ур.3 Heals paralysis, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with the effect of 9 or less. Активный 55 0 270000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.7 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 87 0 270000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.14 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 640. Активный 118 0 130000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.15 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 653. Активный 120 0 130000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.6 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 172 0 270000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.8 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 87 0 270000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.29 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 57 0 130000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.30 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 58 0 130000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.32 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.33 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.8 Creates level 8 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 130000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.22 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 731. Активный 153 0 150000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.23 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 745. Активный 155 0 150000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.22 Restores party members' HP. Power 585. Активный 203 0 150000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.23 Restores party members' HP. Power 596. Активный 207 0 150000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.22 Restores HP. Power 731. Активный 102 0 150000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.23 Restores HP. Power 745. Активный 104 0 150000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.14 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 74. Активный 60 0 300000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.10 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 60 0 300000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.8 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 89 0 300000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.7 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 60% of Exp. Активный 207 0 300000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.16 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 665. Активный 123 0 150000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.17 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 677. Активный 124 0 150000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.4 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 4. Активный 473 0 280000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.7 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 178 0 300000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.9 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 89 0 300000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.31 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 59 0 150000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.32 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 60 0 150000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.34 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.35 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.5 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 300000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 150000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 150000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1271 0.jpg Benediction Ур.1 Restores all party members' HP. Can be used when the remaining HP is 25% or less. Активный 214 0 410000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.24 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 758. Активный 158 0 210000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.25 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 770. Активный 160 0 210000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.24 Restores party members' HP. Power 606. Активный 210 0 210000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.25 Restores party members' HP. Power 616. Активный 214 0 210000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.24 Restores HP. Power 758. Активный 105 0 210000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.25 Restores HP. Power 770. Активный 108 0 210000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.15 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 77. Активный 62 0 410000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.11 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 62 0 410000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.9 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 93 0 410000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.18 Recovers HP, cures poison, and stops bleeding with Effect 7 or less. Power 689. Активный 127 0 210000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.19 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 700. Активный 129 0 210000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.8 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 184 0 410000
Skill1307 0.jpg Prayer Ур.1 Temporarily increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic for party members. Effect 1. Активный 244 0 410000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.10 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 93 0 410000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.33 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 60 0 210000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.34 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 62 0 210000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.36 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.37 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.7 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 410000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 210000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 210000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.26 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 783. Активный 164 0 240000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.27 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 795. Активный 167 0 240000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.26 Restores party members' HP. Power 626. Активный 218 0 240000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.27 Restores party members' HP. Power 636. Активный 222 0 240000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.26 Restores HP. Power 783. Активный 109 0 240000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.27 Restores HP. Power 795. Активный 112 0 240000
Skill1254 0.jpg Mass Resurrection Ур.6 Resurrects dead alliance members and restores about 55% of their Exp. Активный 442 0 490000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.16 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 79. Активный 64 0 490000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.12 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 64 0 490000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.10 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 95 0 490000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.20 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 711. Активный 132 0 240000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.21 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 722. Активный 133 0 240000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.5 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 5. Активный 503 0 450000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.9 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 189 0 490000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.11 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 95 0 490000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.35 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 63 0 240000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.36 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 64 0 240000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.38 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.39 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.6 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 490000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 240000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 240000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.28 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 806. Активный 168 0 290000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.29 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 817. Активный 170 0 290000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.28 Restores party members' HP. Power 645. Активный 224 0 290000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.29 Restores party members' HP. Power 654. Активный 228 0 290000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.28 Restores HP. Power 806. Активный 113 0 290000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.29 Restores HP. Power 817. Активный 114 0 290000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.17 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 82. Активный 65 0 590000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.13 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 65 0 590000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.11 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 98 0 590000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.8 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 65% of Exp. Активный 228 0 590000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.22 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 733. Активный 135 0 290000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.23 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 743. Активный 137 0 290000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.10 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 194 0 590000
Skill1307 0.jpg Prayer Ур.2 Temporarily increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic for party members. Effect 2. Активный 259 0 590000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.12 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 98 0 590000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.37 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 64 0 290000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.38 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 65 0 290000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.40 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.41 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.9 Creates level 9 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 290000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 290000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.30 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 828. Активный 173 0 500000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.31 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 839. Активный 175 0 500000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.30 Restores party members' HP. Power 663. Активный 230 0 500000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.31 Restores party members' HP. Power 671. Активный 233 0 500000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.30 Restores HP. Power 828. Активный 115 0 500000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.31 Restores HP. Power 839. Активный 117 0 500000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.18 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 84. Активный 67 0 1000000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.14 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 67 0 1000000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.12 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 100 0 1000000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.24 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 753. Активный 139 0 500000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.25 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 763. Активный 140 0 500000
Skill1311 0.jpg Body of Avatar Ур.6 For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP. Effect 6. Активный 530 0 940000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.11 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 199 0 1000000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.13 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 100 0 1000000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.39 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 67 0 500000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.40 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 67 0 500000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.42 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.43 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.8 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 1000000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 500000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 500000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.32 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 849. Активный 178 0 640000
Skill1218 0.jpg Greater Battle Heal Ур.33 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 858. Активный 179 0 640000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.32 Restores party members' HP. Power 679. Активный 237 0 640000
Skill1219 0.jpg Greater Group Heal Ур.33 Restores party members' HP. Power 687. Активный 239 0 640000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.32 Restores HP. Power 849. Активный 119 0 640000
Skill1217 0.jpg Greater Heal Ур.33 Restores HP. Power 858. Активный 120 0 640000
Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven Ур.19 Inflicts damage to an undead monster. Power 87. Активный 69 0 1300000
Skill1075 0.jpg Peace Ур.15 Puts opponent's mind at peace. Desire to attack is decreased. Активный 69 0 1300000
Skill1034 0.jpg Repose Ур.13 Diminishes undead monster's will to attack. Активный 103 0 1300000
Skill1016 0.jpg Resurrection Ур.9 Resurrects a corpse. In addition, restores about 70% of Exp. Активный 239 0 1300000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.26 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 772. Активный 142 0 640000
Skill1020 0.jpg Vitalize Ур.27 Restores HP, cures poisoning and stops bleeding with Effect 9 or less. Power 780. Активный 144 0 640000
Skill1042 0.jpg Hold Undead Ур.12 Temporarily paralyzes an undead monster. The target doesn't get an additional paralysis while it takes effect. Активный 204 0 1300000
Skill1307 0.jpg Prayer Ур.3 Temporarily increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic for party members. Effect 3. Активный 272 0 1300000
Skill1049 0.jpg Requiem Ур.14 A requiem for the dead that temporarily disables aggressive behavior of nearby undead monsters. Активный 103 0 1300000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.41 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 68 0 640000
Skill1069 0.jpg Sleep Ур.42 Instantly puts target to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect. Активный 69 0 640000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.44 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.45 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.6 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 1300000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.7 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 1300000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0236 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0235 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 640000

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