Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) (Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C))
(Перенаправлено с Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade))
![]() | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) ![]() Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C) |
Тип: | Свиток (Scroll) |
Вес: | 120 |
Цена: | ![]() |
ID: | 6573 |
Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)
- Для модификации оружия Ранга С. Увеличивает Физ. Атк. одноручных мечей, одноручного дробящего оружия, кинжалов, копий и подобного типа на 3, двуручных мечей, двуручного дробящего оружия, парных мечей и кастетов – на 4, а луков – на 6. Увеличивает Маг. Атк. всех типов оружия на 3. При модификации на +4 и выше дает дополнительные удваивающие бонусы для Физ. Атк./Маг. Атк. При неудачной модификации предмет не разбивается на кристаллы, но уровень его модификации падает до 0.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade)
- When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, daggers, spears, and other weapons. increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, dualswords, and two-handed fist weapons. increases P. Atk. by 6 for bows. Increases M. Atk. by 3 for all weapons. Starting at + 4, P. Atk. / M. Atk. bonus double. Enchanting is safe up to + 3. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
![]() | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) ![]() Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C) |
Тип: | Свиток (Scroll) |
Вес: | 120 |
Цена: | ![]() |
ID: | 6573 |
Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)
- Для модификации оружия Ранга С. Увеличивает Физ. Атк. одноручных мечей, одноручного дробящего оружия, кинжалов, копий и подобного типа на 3, двуручных мечей, двуручного дробящего оружия, парных мечей и кастетов – на 4, а луков – на 6. Увеличивает Маг. Атк. всех типов оружия на 3. При модификации на +4 и выше дает дополнительные удваивающие бонусы для Физ. Атк./Маг. Атк. При неудачной модификации предмет не разбивается на кристаллы, но уровень его модификации падает до 0.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
- When enchanted, increases P. Atk. by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, daggers, spears, and other weapons. increases P. Atk. by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, dual swords, and two-handed fist weapons. increases P. Atk. by 6 for bows. Increases M. Atk. by 3 for all weapons. Starting at +4, P. Atk. / M. Atk. bonus double. Enchanting is safe up to +3. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 10.7000% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 5.9550% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 5.4940% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 4.9780% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 4.8550% |
Lost Guard Captain | 49 | 1 — 1 | 3.5900% |
Malicio | 45 | 1 — 1 | 3.5720% |
Fairy Queen's Messenger Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.1570% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 2.0180% |
Water Couatl Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 2.0140% |
Ketra Commander Atis | 49 | 1 — 1 | 1.9770% |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 39 | 1 — 1 | 1.9570% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.9460% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.8090% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7960% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.7430% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 1.6550% |
Vuku Grand Priest Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.6300% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.5230% |
Execution Grounds Watchman Guillotine | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.3330% |
![]() | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) ![]() Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C) |
Тип: | Свиток (Scroll) |
Вес: | 120 |
Цена: | ![]() |
ID: | 6573 |
Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)
- Для модификации оружия Ранга С. Увеличивает Физ. Атк. одноручных мечей, одноручного дробящего оружия, кинжалов, копий и подобного типа на 3, двуручных мечей, двуручного дробящего оружия, парных мечей и кастетов – на 4, а луков – на 6. Увеличивает Маг. Атк. всех типов оружия на 3. При модификации на +4 и выше дает дополнительные удваивающие бонусы для Физ. Атк./Маг. Атк. При неудачной модификации предмет не разбивается на кристаллы, но уровень его модификации падает до 0.
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade)
- When enchanted, P. Atk. increases by 3 for C-grade one-handed swords, one-handed blunts, daggers, spears, and other weapons. P. Atk. increases by 4 for two-handed swords, two-handed blunts, dualswords, and two-handed combat weapons. P. Atk. increases by 6 for bows. M. Atk. increases by 3 for all weapons. Starting at +4, P. Atk. / M. Atk. bonus double. Enchanting is safe up to +3. If enchanting fails, the item will not be crystallized but the enchant value will be reset to 0.
축복받은 무기 강화 주문서-C그레이드
- 인챈트시 C그레이드 검/한손, 둔기/한손, 단검, 창, 기타 무기의 공격력 3 증가. 검/양손, 둔기/양손, 이도류, 격투/양손 무기의 공격력 4 증가. 활 무기의 공격력 6 증가. 모든 무기의 마법력 3 증가. +4부터는 공격력/마법력이 두 배씩 증가.인챈트 실패시 아이템은 결정화 되지 않으나 기존의 인챈트 수치는 0이 된다.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 10.3727% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 6.0004% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 5.5978% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 5.4592% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 5.0028% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 4.7994% |
Lost Guard Captain | 49 | 1 — 1 | 3.5625% |
Fairy Queen's Messenger Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.1605% |
Ketra Commander Atis | 49 | 1 — 1 | 2.0459% |
Water Couatl Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 2.0001% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.9938% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.9876% |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 39 | 1 — 1 | 1.9476% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 1.9009% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.7419% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 1.6844% |
Vuku Grand Priest Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.5998% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.5001% |
Execution Grounds Watchman Guillotine | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.3064% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
- Increases the P. Atk. of a C-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. The P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 10.3727% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 6.0004% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 5.5978% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 5.4592% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 5.0028% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 4.7994% |
Lost Captain | 49 | 1 — 1 | 3.5625% |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.1605% |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 49 | 1 — 1 | 2.0459% |
Water Couatle Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 2.0001% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.9938% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.9876% |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 39 | 1 — 1 | 1.9476% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 1.9009% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.7419% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 1.6844% |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.5998% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.5001% |
Guilotine Warden of the Execution Grounds | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.3064% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
- Increases the P. Atk. of a C-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. The P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 10.3727% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 6.0004% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 5.0028% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 4.7994% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 4.2938% |
Lost Captain | 49 | 1 — 1 | 3.5625% |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.1605% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 3.1224% |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 49 | 1 — 1 | 2.0459% |
Water Couatle Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 2.0001% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.9938% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.9876% |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 39 | 1 — 1 | 1.9476% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 1.9009% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.7419% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 1.6844% |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.5998% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.5001% |
Guilotine Warden of the Execution Grounds | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.3064% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)
- Increases the P.Atk of a C-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. The P.Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 10.3727% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 6.0004% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 5.0028% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 4.7994% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 4.2938% |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.1605% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 3.1224% |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 49 | 1 — 1 | 2.0459% |
Water Couatle Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 2.0001% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.9938% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.9876% |
Nellis' Vengeful Spirit | 39 | 1 — 1 | 1.9476% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 1.9009% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.7523% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.7419% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 1.6844% |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.5998% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.5001% |
Guilotine, Warden of the Execution Grounds | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.3064% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
- Increases the P.Atk of a C-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. The P.Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 9.0811% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 5.2302% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 4.2938% |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.4078% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 3.1224% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 2.5926% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 2.5751% |
Water Couatle Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.7434% |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 49 | 1 — 1 | 1.5136% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.4941% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.4193% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.3076% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.3032% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.1033% |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.0854% |
Guilotine, Warden of the Execution Grounds | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.0645% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 0.9172% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 0.9136% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 0.9075% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
- Increases the P.Atk of a C grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 3. The P.Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 4 and bow type by 6. The M.Atk of all weap
Монстр | Ур. | Кол-во | Шанс |
Crazy Mechanic Golem | 43 | 1 — 1 | 9.0800% |
Road Scavenger Leader | 40 | 1 — 1 | 5.2300% |
Sebek | 36 | 1 — 1 | 4.2900% |
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun | 50 | 1 — 1 | 3.4100% |
Premo Prime | 38 | 1 — 1 | 3.1200% |
Revenant of Sir Calibus | 34 | 1 — 1 | 2.5900% |
Corsair Captain Kylon | 33 | 1 — 1 | 2.5800% |
Water Couatle Ateka | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.7400% |
Katu Van Leader Atui | 49 | 1 — 1 | 1.5100% |
Shacram | 45 | 1 — 1 | 1.4900% |
Gargoyle Lord Sirocco | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.4200% |
Leto Chief Talkin | 40 | 1 — 1 | 1.3100% |
Grave Robber Kim | 52 | 1 — 1 | 1.3000% |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion | 50 | 1 — 1 | 1.1000% |
Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash | 33 | 1 — 1 | 1.0900% |
Warden of the Execution Ground, Guilotine | 35 | 1 — 1 | 1.0600% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard | 47 | 1 — 1 | 0.9200% |
Timak Orc Gosmos | 45 | 1 — 1 | 0.9100% |
Dread Avenger Kraven | 44 | 1 — 1 | 0.9100% |
Нужен для квестов
Тип | Название квеста | Ур | Начало | Награда |
![]() ![]() |
A Special Order Особый заказ |
40 | Helvetia (Хельветия) Giran Territory (Земли Гирана) |
![]() |
Название | |
![]() | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) Event (Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
![]() | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) (Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon of Destruction (C-Grade) Event (Свиток Разрушения: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (С)) |
![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) Event (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
Похожие умения
Название | |
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![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) (Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
![]() | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (C)) |
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