Elemental Summoner (Последователь Стихий)

Elemental Summoner — вторая профессия мага эльфийской расы с 40-го по 76-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Elven Wizard, минимум 40-й уровень и выполнить квесты Trial of the Scholar, Testimony of Life и Test of the Summoner или альтернативный квест Good Work's Reward.

Достигнув 76-го уровня и выполнив специальный квест можно получить третью профессию Elemental Master.


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Chronicle 4.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.1 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 8 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 139 0 32000
Skill1300 0.jpg Servitor Cure Ур.1 Cures a servitor's bleeding and poisoning up to Effect 3. Активный 35 0 34000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.13 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 404. Активный 58 0 11000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.14 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 419. Активный 60 0 11000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.15 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 434. Активный 62 0 11000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.7 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 66. Активный 67 0 17000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.8 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 70. Активный 70 0 17000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.1 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 2 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 35 0 34000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.1 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 38 0 34000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.5 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 5 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 70 0 34000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.1 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 1 Crystal: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 70 0 34000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.5 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 70 0 34000
Skill1140 0.jpg Servitor Physical Shield Ур.1 Temporarily increases servitor's P. Def. Effect 1. Активный 35 0 34000
Skill1262 0.jpg Transfer Pain Ур.1 Transfers part of one's damage to a servitor. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 7 0 34000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.13 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.14 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.15 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.3 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 34000
Skill0228 0.jpg Fast Spell Casting Ур.2 Spell casting speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 34000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.1 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.2 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.3 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 11000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 11000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.5 Creates level 5 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.2 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 12 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 154 0 44000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.16 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 465. Активный 64 0 16000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.17 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 481. Активный 65 0 16000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.18 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 496. Активный 68 0 16000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.9 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 73. Активный 74 0 23000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.10 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 77. Активный 78 0 23000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.2 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 3 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 39 0 47000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.6 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 3 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 78 0 47000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.2 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 1 Crystal: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 78 0 47000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.6 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 78 0 47000
Skill1141 0.jpg Servitor Haste Ур.1 Temporarily increases servitor's Atk. Spd. Effect 1. Активный 39 0 47000
Skill1139 0.jpg Servitor Magic Shield Ур.1 Temporarily increases servitor's M. Def. Effect 2. Активный 39 0 47000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.16 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.17 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.18 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0143 0.jpg Cubic Mastery Ур.1 Ability to summon 2 Cubics at once. Пассивный 0 0 47000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.2 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 47000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.3 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 47000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.4 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.5 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.6 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 16000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 16000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.3 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 12 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 172 0 67000
Skill1300 0.jpg Servitor Cure Ур.2 Cures a servitor's bleeding and poisoning up to Effect 7. Активный 44 0 71000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.19 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 528. Активный 72 0 24000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.20 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 544. Активный 74 0 24000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.21 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 561. Активный 77 0 24000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.11 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 81. Активный 82 0 35000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.12 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 86. Активный 87 0 35000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.3 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 3 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 44 0 71000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.2 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 7 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 44 0 71000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.7 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 87 0 71000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.3 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 1 Crystal: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 87 0 71000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.7 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 87 0 71000
Skill1145 0.jpg Bright Servitor Ур.2 Temporarily increases servitor's M. Atk. Effect 2. Активный 46 0 71000
Skill1140 0.jpg Servitor Physical Shield Ур.2 Temporarily increases servitor's P. Def. Effect 2. Активный 44 0 71000
Skill1262 0.jpg Transfer Pain Ур.2 Transfers part of one's damage to a servitor. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 9 0 71000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.19 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.20 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.21 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.4 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.7 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.8 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0164 0.jpg Quick Recovery Ур.3 Time between magic reuse shortens. Пассивный 0 0 71000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 24000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 24000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.6 Creates level 6 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.4 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 16 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 188 0 100000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.22 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 593. Активный 80 0 38000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.23 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 609. Активный 80 0 38000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.24 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 626. Активный 83 0 38000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.13 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 90. Активный 90 0 56000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.14 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 94. Активный 94 0 56000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.4 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 48 0 110000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.3 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 8 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 50 0 110000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.8 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 94 0 110000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.4 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 94 0 110000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.8 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 94 0 110000
Skill1141 0.jpg Servitor Haste Ур.2 Temporarily increases servitor's Atk. Spd. Effect 2. Активный 48 0 110000
Skill1139 0.jpg Servitor Magic Shield Ур.2 Temporarily increases servitor's M. Def. Effect 3. Активный 48 0 110000
Skill1299 0.jpg Servitor Ultimate Defense Ур.1 Significantly increases a servitor's P. Def. and M. Def. for a brief time period. Servitor is immobilized while in effect. Effect 1. Активный 48 0 110000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.22 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.23 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.24 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.3 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.4 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 110000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 38000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 38000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.7 Creates level 7 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.5 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 16 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 204 0 110000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.25 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 658. Активный 87 0 42000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.26 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 674. Активный 89 0 42000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.27 Recovers servitor's HP. Power 690. Активный 90 0 42000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.15 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 98. Активный 98 0 62000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.16 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 102. Активный 103 0 62000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.5 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 4 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 52 0 130000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.9 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 5 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 103 0 130000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.5 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 103 0 130000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.9 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 103 0 130000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.1 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 1 Crystal: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 70 0 110000
Skill1145 0.jpg Bright Servitor Ур.3 Temporarily increases servitor's M. Atk. Effect 3. Активный 54 0 130000
Skill1140 0.jpg Servitor Physical Shield Ур.3 Temporarily increases servitor's P. Def. Effect 3. Активный 52 0 130000
Skill1262 0.jpg Transfer Pain Ур.3 Transfers part of one's damage to a servitor. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 11 0 130000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.25 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.26 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.27 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.5 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0143 0.jpg Cubic Mastery Ур.2 Ability to summon 3 Cubics at once. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0228 0.jpg Fast Spell Casting Ур.3 Spell casting speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 130000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 42000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 42000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.28 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 706. Активный 93 0 100000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.29 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 722. Активный 95 0 100000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.17 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 104. Активный 104 0 100000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.18 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 106. Активный 107 0 100000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.10 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 107 0 200000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.6 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 107 0 200000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.10 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 107 0 200000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.2 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 1 Crystal: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 78 0 180000
Skill1262 0.jpg Transfer Pain Ур.4 Transfers part of one's damage to a servitor. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 11 0 200000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.28 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.29 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.4 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 200000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.16 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.17 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 100000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 100000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1300 0.jpg Servitor Cure Ур.3 Cures a servitor's bleeding and poisoning up to Effect 9. Активный 55 0 230000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.30 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 737. Активный 97 0 120000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.31 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 753. Активный 98 0 120000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.19 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 108. Активный 109 0 120000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.20 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 110. Активный 110 0 120000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.4 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 9 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 55 0 230000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.11 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 4 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 110 0 230000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.7 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 110 0 230000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.11 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 110 0 230000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.3 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 87 0 210000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.30 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.31 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.6 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 230000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.5 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 230000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.18 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.19 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 120000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 120000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.6 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 20 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 229 0 310000
Skill1301 0.jpg Servitor Blessing Ур.1 Cancels the reduced state of hold and paralysis. Also cancels the reduced state of Atk. Spd. and Speed of effect 3 or below. Активный 58 0 360000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.32 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 768. Активный 98 0 180000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.33 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 783. Активный 100 0 180000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.21 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 113. Активный 113 0 180000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.22 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 115. Активный 115 0 180000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.6 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 5 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 58 0 360000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.12 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 7 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 4 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 115 0 360000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.8 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 115 0 360000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.12 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 115 0 360000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.4 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 94 0 310000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.32 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.33 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.8 Creates level 8 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.20 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.21 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 180000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 180000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.34 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 798. Активный 102 0 220000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.35 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 812. Активный 104 0 220000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.23 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 116. Активный 117 0 220000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.24 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 118. Активный 119 0 220000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.5 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 11 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 60 0 430000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.13 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 5 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 119 0 430000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.9 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 119 0 430000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.13 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 119 0 430000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.5 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 1 additional crystal will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 103 0 400000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.34 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.35 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.5 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 430000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.22 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.23 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 220000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 220000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.7 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 24 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 244 0 540000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.36 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 826. Активный 105 0 320000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.37 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 840. Активный 108 0 320000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.25 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 120. Активный 120 0 320000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.26 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 122. Активный 123 0 320000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.7 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 62 0 640000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.14 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 123 0 640000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.10 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 123 0 640000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.14 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 123 0 640000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.6 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 2 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 107 0 540000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.36 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.37 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.7 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 640000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.24 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.25 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 320000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 320000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.38 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 854. Активный 109 0 350000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.39 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 867. Активный 112 0 350000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.27 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 124. Активный 124 0 350000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.28 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 126. Активный 127 0 350000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.6 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 12 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 64 0 700000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.15 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 7 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 127 0 700000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.11 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 127 0 700000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.15 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 127 0 700000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.7 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 110 0 640000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.38 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.39 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.6 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 700000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.26 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.27 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.34 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.35 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 350000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 350000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.8 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 24 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 259 0 670000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.40 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 879. Активный 113 0 390000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.41 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 892. Активный 114 0 390000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.29 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 128. Активный 128 0 390000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.30 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 129. Активный 130 0 390000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.8 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 6 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 65 0 780000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.16 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 9 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 5 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 130 0 780000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.12 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 130 0 780000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.16 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 130 0 780000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.8 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 4 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 2 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 115 0 670000
Skill1299 0.jpg Servitor Ultimate Defense Ур.2 Significantly increases a servitor's P. Def. and M. Def. for a brief time period. Servitor is immobilized while in effect. Effect 2. Активный 65 0 780000
Skill1262 0.jpg Transfer Pain Ур.5 Transfers part of one's damage to a servitor. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 13 0 780000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.40 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.41 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0172 0.jpg Create Common Item Ур.9 Creates level 9 common items. Пассивный 0 0 0
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.28 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.29 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.36 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.37 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 390000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 390000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.42 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 904. Активный 115 0 680000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.43 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 915. Активный 117 0 680000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.31 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 131. Активный 132 0 680000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.32 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 133. Активный 133 0 680000
Skill0067 0.jpg Summon Life Cubic Ур.7 Summons Life Cubic. Life Cubic uses magic that recovers master's HP. Requires 13 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 67 0 1400000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.17 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 7 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 6 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 133 0 1400000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.13 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 4 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 133 0 1400000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.17 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 133 0 1400000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.9 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 3 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 119 0 1300000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.42 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.43 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0213 0.jpg Boost Mana Ур.8 Increases maximum MP. Пассивный 0 0 1400000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.30 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.31 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.38 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.39 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 680000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 680000

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill1329 0.jpg Mass Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.9 Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 28 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 272 0 1600000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.44 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 926. Активный 119 0 960000
Skill1127 0.jpg Servitor Heal Ур.45 Recovers a Servitor's HP. Power 936. Активный 120 0 960000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.33 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 134. Активный 135 0 960000
Skill1126 0.jpg Servitor Recharge Ур.34 Recovers a Servitor's MP. Power 136. Активный 137 0 960000
Skill1280 0.jpg Summon Aqua Cubic Ур.9 Summons Aqua Cubic. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time. Requires 7 Crystals: D Grade. Активный 69 0 1900000
Skill1226 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Boxer Ур.18 Summons a Unicorn Boxer, who supplies additional MP. Requires 8 Crystals: D Grade. 30% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Afterwards, 6 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval. Активный 137 0 1900000
Skill1277 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Merrow Ур.14 Summons Unicorn Merrow, a servitor. Requires 4 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 10% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 137 0 1900000
Skill1227 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Mirage Ур.18 Summons a Unicorn Mirage. The unicorn will use attack magic to assist one during combat. Requires 1 Crystal: D Grade. Consumes 90% of acquired Exp. Активный 137 0 1900000
Skill1332 0.jpg Summon Unicorn Seraphim Ур.10 Summons a Unicorn Seraphim, a servitor. Requires 4 Crystals: C Grade. Afterwards, 3 additional crystals will be consumed at a regular interval for 4 times. 5% of acquired Exp will be consumed. Активный 123 0 1600000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.44 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0146 0.jpg Anti Magic Ур.45 Increases M. Def. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0212 0.jpg Fast HP Recovery Ур.6 Increases HP recovery speed. Пассивный 0 0 1900000
Skill0229 0.jpg Fast Mana Recovery Ур.7 Increases MP Recovery Speed. Пассивный 0 0 1900000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.32 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0258 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.33 Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.40 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0234 0.jpg Robe Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Def. when wearing a robe. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.41 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 960000
Skill0249 0.jpg Weapon Mastery Ур.42 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk. Пассивный 0 0 960000

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