Elven Scout (Разведчик)

Elven Scout — первая профессия воина эльфийской расы с 20-го по 40-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Elven Fighter, минимум 20-й уровень и выполнить квест Path to an Elven Scout.

Достигнув 40-го уровня и выполнив специальные квесты можно получить на выбор вторую профессию:


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным серверам Gracia Epilogue.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0471 0.jpg Defuse Trap Ур.1 Disarm traps below Level 18. Активный: Физическое умение 4 0 1250
Skill0470 0.jpg Detect Trap Ур.1 Detect traps below Level 18. Активный: Физическое умение 14 0 1250
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.10 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 268 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 18 0 1200
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.11 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 291 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 18 0 1200
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.12 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 314 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 18 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.10 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 239 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 38 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.11 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 258 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 39 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.12 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 279 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 40 0 1200
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.1 Opens a level 1 door with 30% probability and opens a treasure chest below level 20 with 90% probability. Requires 2 Thief Keys. Активный: Физическое умение 19 0 2800
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.4 Restores caster's HP with Power 95. Активный: Магия 53 0 1200
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.5 Restores caster's HP with Power 100. Активный: Магия 57 0 1200
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.6 Restores caster's HP with Power 106. Активный: Магия 59 0 1200
Skill0091 0.jpg Defense Aura Ур.2 Increases P. Def. by 12% for 20 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 10 0 2800
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.1 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 132 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 10 0 950
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.2 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 137 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 10 0 950
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.3 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 143 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 10 0 950
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.1 Increases the power of critical attacks by 35. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 4 0 2800
Skill0173 0.jpg Acrobatics Ур.1 Increases the mamixum height user can fall without taking damage by 60. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 2800
Skill0195 0.jpg Breath Boost Ур.1 Lung capacity increases by 180. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 2800
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.1 P. Atk. increases by 10.3 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 950
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.2 P. Atk. increases by 11.4 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 950
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.3 P. Atk. increases by 27.6 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 950
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.1 P. Atk. increases by 3.6 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 2800
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.1 P. Def. increases by 1.3, evasion increases by 4, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 1400
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.2 P. Def. increases by 2.2, evasion increases by 4, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 1400
Skill0113 0.jpg Long Shot Ур.1 The bow's range is increased by 200. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 2800

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0471 0.jpg Defuse Trap Ур.2 Disarm traps below Level 28. Активный: Физическое умение 5 0 2300
Skill0470 0.jpg Detect Trap Ур.2 Detect traps below Level 28. Активный: Физическое умение 18 0 2300
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.13 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 367 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 19 0 1700
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.14 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 396 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 20 0 1700
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.15 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 427 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 21 0 1700
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.13 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 326 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 42 0 1700
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.14 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 352 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 43 0 1700
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.15 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 379 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 45 0 1700
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.2 Opens a level 1 door with 50% probability and opens a treasure chest below level 24 with 90% probability. Requires 2 Thief Keys. Активный: Физическое умение 22 0 5000
Skill0061 0.jpg Cure Bleeding Ур.1 Heals minor bleeding. Активный: Магия 22 0 5000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.7 Restores caster's HP with Power 118. Активный: Магия 62 0 1700
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.8 Restores caster's HP with Power 124. Активный: Магия 65 0 1700
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.9 Restores caster's HP with Power 130. Активный: Магия 69 0 1700
Skill0021 0.jpg Poison Recovery Ур.1 Cures user of minor poisoning. Активный: Магия 20 0 5000
Skill0096 0.jpg Bleed Ур.1 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 20% for 20 seconds, inflicts bleed, and does damage of 25 HP every second. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 28 0 5000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.4 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 153 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 10 0 1700
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.5 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 159 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 12 0 1700
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.6 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 164 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 12 0 1700
Skill0256 0.jpg Accuracy Ур.1 Accuracy is increased by 3. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 5 0 5000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.2 Increases the power of critical attacks by 48. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 5 0 5000
Skill0198 0.jpg Boost Evasion Ур.1 Evasion increases by 2. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 5000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.4 P. Atk. increases by 32.8 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 1700
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.5 P. Atk. increases by 35.6 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 1700
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.6 P. Atk. increases by 38.6 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 1700
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.2 P. Atk. increases by 6 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 5000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.3 P. Def. increases by 3.2, evasion increases by 6, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 2500
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.4 P. Def. increases by 4.2, evasion increases by 6, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 2500

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.16 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 494 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 22 0 3100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.17 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 531 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 23 0 3100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.18 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 571 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 24 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.16 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 440 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.17 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 472 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 51 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.18 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 507 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 53 0 3100
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.3 Opens a level 1 door with 75% probability and opens a treasure chest below level 28 with 90% probability. Requires 3 Thief Keys. Активный: Физическое умение 25 0 9200
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.10 Restores caster's HP with Power 143. Активный: Магия 75 0 3100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.11 Restores caster's HP with Power 150. Активный: Магия 79 0 3100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.12 Restores caster's HP with Power 157. Активный: Магия 83 0 3100
Skill0077 0.jpg Attack Aura Ур.2 Increases P. Atk. by 12% for 20 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 13 0 9200
Skill0111 0.jpg Ultimate Evasion Ур.1 For 30 seconds, increases user's evasion by 20, physical attack skill evasion rate by 25%, and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 80. Активный: Усиливающее умение 13 0 9200
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.7 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 176 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 13 0 3100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.8 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 182 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 13 0 3100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.9 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 188 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 13 0 3100
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.3 Increases the power of critical attacks by 64. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 5 0 9200
Skill0225 0.jpg Acrobatic Move Ур.1 Evasion increases by 4 when running. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 9200
Skill0169 0.jpg Quick Step Ур.1 Movement speed increases by 7. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 9200
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.7 P. Atk. increases by 45.2 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 3100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.8 P. Atk. increases by 48.9 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 3100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.9 P. Atk. increases by 52.7 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 3100
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.3 P. Atk. increases by 7.4 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 4600
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.4 P. Atk. increases by 9 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 4600
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.5 P. Def. increases by 5.3, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 4600
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.6 P. Def. increases by 6.8, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 4600

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.19 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 656 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 26 0 5100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.20 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 703 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 26 0 5100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.21 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 752 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 26 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.19 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 584 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.20 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 625 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 56 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.21 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 669 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 58 0 5100
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.4 Opens a level 1 door with 100% probability, opens a level 2 door with 50% probability, and opens a treasure chest below level 32 with 90% probability. Requires 3 Thief Keys. Активный: Физическое умение 28 0 15000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.13 Restores caster's HP with Power 172. Активный: Магия 88 0 5100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.14 Restores caster's HP with Power 179. Активный: Магия 88 0 5100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.15 Restores caster's HP with Power 187. Активный: Магия 92 0 5100
Skill0099 0.jpg Rapid Shot Ур.1 Increases user's bow Atk. Spd. by 8% for 20 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 14 0 15000
Skill0230 0.jpg Sprint Ур.1 Increases movement speed by 22 for 20 minutes. Активный: Усиливающее умение 14 0 15000
Skill0096 0.jpg Bleed Ур.2 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 20% for 20 seconds, inflicts bleed, and does damage of 34 HP every second. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 37 0 15000
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.10 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 200 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 14 0 5100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.11 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 206 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 14 0 5100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.12 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 213 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 14 0 5100
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.4 Increases the power of critical attacks by 84. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 6 0 15000
Skill0137 0.jpg Critical Chance Ур.1 Critical attack rate increases by 20%. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 15000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.10 P. Atk. increases by 61.1 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 5100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.11 P. Atk. increases by 65.6 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 5100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.12 P. Atk. increases by 70.4 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 5100
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.5 P. Atk. increases by 10.8 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 7700
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.6 P. Atk. increases by 12.8 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 7700
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.7 P. Def. increases by 8.4, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 7700
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.8 P. Def. increases by 10.1, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 7700

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0471 0.jpg Defuse Trap Ур.3 Disarm traps below Level 38. Активный: Физическое умение 7 0 10400
Skill0470 0.jpg Detect Trap Ур.3 Detect traps below Level 38. Активный: Физическое умение 27 0 10400
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.22 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 859 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 28 0 8600
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.23 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 916 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 29 0 8600
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.24 Strikes the target in an unprotected area with 977 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dagger. Over-hit is possible. Cannot be used with Dual Daggers. Активный: Физическое умение 30 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.22 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 763 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 63 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.23 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 814 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 65 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.24 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 868 Power to make a powerful long-distance attack. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible. Активный: Физическое умение 67 0 8600
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.1 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 344 Power to fire an arrow that stuns an enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a bow. Over-hit and target cancel are possible. Активный: Физическое умение 46 0 8600
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.2 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 367 Power to fire an arrow that stuns an enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a bow. Over-hit and target cancel are possible. Активный: Физическое умение 48 0 8600
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.3 Supplements user's P. Atk. with 391 Power to fire an arrow that stuns an enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a bow. Over-hit and target cancel are possible. Активный: Физическое умение 49 0 8600
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.5 Opens a level 1 door with 100% probability, opens a level 2 door with 30% probability, and opens a treasure chest below level 36 with 90% probability. Requires 4 Thief Keys. Активный: Физическое умение 31 0 26000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.16 Restores caster's HP with Power 203. Активный: Магия 99 0 8600
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.17 Restores caster's HP with Power 211. Активный: Магия 103 0 8600
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.18 Restores caster's HP with Power 219. Активный: Магия 107 0 8600
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.13 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 225 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 15 0 8600
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.14 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 232 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 15 0 8600
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.15 Decreases an enemy's aggressiveness toward user with 239 Power. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 17 0 8600
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.1 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 20% for 1 minute. Активный: Ослабляющее умение 17 0 26000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.5 Increases the power of critical attacks by 109. MP is continuously consumed proportionate to user's level. Активный: Переключающееся умение 7 0 26000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.1 Increases HP recovery bonus by 2.5 and MP recovery bonus by 1.8 when running. Пассивный: Способности 0 0 26000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.13 P. Atk. increases by 80.9 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 8600
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.14 P. Atk. increases by 86.5 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 8600
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.15 P. Atk. increases by 92.4 when using a bow. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 8600
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.7 P. Atk. increases by 15.1 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 13000
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.8 P. Atk. increases by 17.6 when using a dagger. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 13000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.9 P. Def. increases by 11.9, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 13000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.10 P. Def. increases by 13.7, evasion increases by 7, and the rate of being targeted for critical damage decreases by 15% when light armor is equipped. Пассивный: Умение экипировки 0 0 13000

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