Elven Scout (Разведчик)

Elven Scout — первая профессия воина эльфийской расы с 20-го по 40-й уровень.

Для получения нужно иметь профессию Elven Fighter, минимум 20-й уровень и выполнить квест Path to an Elven Scout.

Достигнув 40-го уровня и выполнив специальные квесты можно получить на выбор вторую профессию:


Glory Days | Goddess of Destruction | High Five | Freya | Gracia Epilogue | Gracia Final | Interlude | C4

Таблица умений соответствует официальным EU серверам Interlude.

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.1 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 132. Активный 10 0 950
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.2 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 137. Активный 10 0 950
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.3 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 143. Активный 10 0 950
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.4 Regenerates one's HP. Power 95. Активный 53 0 1200
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.5 Regenerates one's HP. Power 100. Активный 57 0 1200
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.6 Regenerates one's HP. Power 106. Активный 59 0 1200
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.10 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 268. Активный 19 0 1200
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.11 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 291. Активный 20 0 1200
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.12 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 314. Активный 20 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.10 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 239. Over-hit possible. Активный 43 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.11 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 258. Over-hit possible. Активный 44 0 1200
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.12 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 279. Over-hit possible. Активный 44 0 1200
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.1 Opens level 1 doors with a 30% chance for success. Requires 2 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests. Активный 19 0 2800
Skill0091 0.jpg Defense Aura Ур.2 Temporarily increases P. Def. Effect 2. Активный 10 0 2800
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.1 Increases one's critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 4 0 2800
Skill0173 0.jpg Acrobatics Ур.1 Reduces falling damage. Пассивный 0 0 2800
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.1 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 950
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.2 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 950
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.3 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 950
Skill0195 0.jpg Breath Boost Ур.1 Increases lung capacity. Пассивный 0 0 2800
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.1 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 2800
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.1 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 1400
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.2 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 1400
Skill0113 0.jpg Long Shot Ур.1 Increase the range of your bow. Пассивный 0 0 2800

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.4 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 153. Активный 10 0 1700
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.5 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 159. Активный 12 0 1700
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.6 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 164. Активный 12 0 1700
Skill0061 0.jpg Cure Bleeding Ур.1 Heals one's wounds. Effect less than 3 Активный 22 0 5000
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.7 Regenerates one's HP. Power 118. Активный 62 0 1700
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.8 Regenerates one's HP. Power 124. Активный 65 0 1700
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.9 Regenerates one's HP. Power 130. Активный 69 0 1700
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.13 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 367. Активный 21 0 1700
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.14 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 396. Активный 22 0 1700
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.15 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 427. Активный 23 0 1700
Skill0021 0.jpg Poison Recovery Ур.1 Self-cures poison. Effect less than 3. Активный 20 0 5000
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.13 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 326. Over-hit possible. Активный 46 0 1700
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.14 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 352. Over-hit possible. Активный 48 0 1700
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.15 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 379. Over-hit possible. Активный 50 0 1700
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.2 Opens level 1 doors at 50% probability. Requires 2 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests. Активный 22 0 5000
Skill0096 0.jpg Bleed Ур.1 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 3. Активный 32 0 5000
Skill0256 0.jpg Accuracy Ур.1 Increases one's Accuracy. Continuously consumes MP. Аура 1 0 5000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.2 Increases one's critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 5 0 5000
Skill0198 0.jpg Boost Evasion Ур.1 Increase evasion. Пассивный 0 0 5000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.4 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 1700
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.5 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 1700
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.6 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 1700
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.2 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 5000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.3 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 2500
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.4 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 2500

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.7 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 176. Активный 13 0 3100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.8 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 182. Активный 13 0 3100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.9 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 188. Активный 13 0 3100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.10 Regenerates one's HP. Power 143. Активный 75 0 3100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.11 Regenerates one's HP. Power 150. Активный 79 0 3100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.12 Regenerates one's HP. Power 157. Активный 83 0 3100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.16 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 494. Активный 25 0 3100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.17 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 531. Активный 26 0 3100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.18 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 571. Активный 27 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.16 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 440. Over-hit possible. Активный 54 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.17 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 472. Over-hit possible. Активный 57 0 3100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.18 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 507. Over-hit possible. Активный 59 0 3100
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.3 Opens level 1 doors at 75% probability. Requires 3 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests. Активный 25 0 9200
Skill0077 0.jpg Attack Aura Ур.2 Temporarily increases P. Atk. Effect 2. Активный 13 0 9200
Skill0111 0.jpg Ultimate Evasion Ур.1 Significantly increases Evasion and resistance to buff-lifting attacks. Effect 1. Активный 13 0 9200
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.3 Increases one's critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 5 0 9200
Skill0225 0.jpg Acrobatic Move Ур.1 Dodging abilities increase when running. Пассивный 0 0 9200
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.7 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 3100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.8 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 3100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 3100
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.3 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 4600
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.4 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 4600
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.5 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 4600
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.6 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 4600
Skill0169 0.jpg Quick Step Ур.1 Moving speed increases. Пассивный 0 0 9200

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.10 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 200. Активный 14 0 5100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.11 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 206. Активный 14 0 5100
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.12 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 213. Активный 14 0 5100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.13 Regenerates one's HP. Power 171. Активный 88 0 5100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.14 Regenerates one's HP. Power 179. Активный 88 0 5100
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.15 Regenerates one's HP. Power 187. Активный 92 0 5100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.19 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 656. Активный 28 0 5100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.20 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 703. Активный 28 0 5100
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.21 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 752. Активный 29 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.19 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 584. Over-hit possible. Активный 62 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.20 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 625. Over-hit possible. Активный 62 0 5100
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.21 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 669. Over-hit possible. Активный 65 0 5100
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.4 Opens level 1 doors at 100% probability and opens level 2 doors at 5% probability. Requires 3 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests. Активный 28 0 15000
Skill0096 0.jpg Bleed Ур.2 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 4. Активный 41 0 15000
Skill0099 0.jpg Rapid Shot Ур.1 Increases speed of arrow launch. Effect 1. Активный 14 0 15000
Skill0230 0.jpg Sprint Ур.1 Temporarily increases Speed. Effect 1. Активный 14 0 15000
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.4 Increases one's critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 6 0 15000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 5100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.11 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 5100
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.12 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 5100
Skill0137 0.jpg Critical Chance Ур.1 Critical rate increases. Пассивный 0 0 15000
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.5 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 7700
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.6 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 7700
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.7 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 7700
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.8 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 7700

Название Описание Тип MP HP SP
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.13 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 225. Активный 15 0 8600
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.14 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 232. Активный 15 0 8600
Skill0015 0.jpg Charm Ур.15 Charms the enemy to decrease its desire to attack player. Power 239. Активный 17 0 8600
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.16 Regenerates one's HP. Power 203. Активный 99 0 8600
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.17 Regenerates one's HP. Power 211. Активный 103 0 8600
Skill0058 0.jpg Elemental Heal Ур.18 Regenerates one's HP. Power 219. Активный 107 0 8600
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.22 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 859. Активный 32 0 8600
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.23 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 916. Активный 33 0 8600
Skill0016 0.jpg Mortal Blow Ур.24 A potentially deadly attack. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 977. Активный 34 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.22 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 763. Over-hit possible. Активный 69 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.23 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 814. Over-hit possible. Активный 72 0 8600
Skill0056 0.jpg Power Shot Ур.24 A deadly damage-dealing volley from a bow. Power 865. Over-hit possible. Активный 74 0 8600
Skill0027 0.jpg Unlock Ур.5 Opens level 1 doors at 100% probability and opens level 2 doors at 30% probability. Requires 4 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests. Активный 31 0 26000
Skill0102 0.jpg Entangle Ур.1 Instantly reduces enemy's Speed. Effect 2. Активный 17 0 26000
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.1 A shocking blow that stuns and inflicts damage to a target with an arrow. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Over-hit is possible. Power 344. Активный 49 0 8600
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.2 A shocking blow that stuns and inflicts damage to a target with an arrow. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Over-hit is possible. Power 367. Активный 51 0 8600
Skill0101 0.jpg Stunning Shot Ур.3 A shocking blow that stuns and inflicts damage to a target with an arrow. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Over-hit is possible. Power 391. Активный 53 0 8600
Skill0312 0.jpg Vicious Stance Ур.5 Increases one's critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously. Аура 7 0 26000
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.13 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 8600
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.14 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 8600
Skill0208 0.jpg Bow Mastery Ур.15 Increases P. Atk. when using a bow. Пассивный 0 0 8600
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.7 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 13000
Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery Ур.8 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger. Пассивный 0 0 13000
Skill0171 0.jpg Esprit Ур.1 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running. Пассивный 0 0 26000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.9 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 13000
Skill0233 0.jpg Light Armor Mastery Ур.10 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor. Пассивный 0 0 13000

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